%%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Ramon Hanssen", %%% date = "Mon Jan 16 17:45:50 UTC 2012", %%% filename = "insarref.bib", %%% url = "http://doris.tudelft.nl/bibliography/main/insarref.bib", %%% www-home = "http://doris.tudelft.nl/", %%% address = "Department of Aerospace Engineering, %%% Delft University of Technology, %%% Kluyverweg 1, %%% NL-2629 HS DELFT, The Netherlands ", %%% telephone = "+31 (0)15 278 3662", %%% FAX = "+31 (0)15 278 3711", %%% FTP-archive = "http://doris.tudelft.nl/bibliography/main/insarref.bib", %%% email = "r.f.hanssen at tudelft.nl", %%% dates = {--}, %%% entries = "2205", %%% keywords = "", %%% supported = "yes", %%% supported-by = "Ramon Hanssen", %%% formatting = "http://doris.tudelft.nl/bibliography/main/format_conventions.txt", %%% abstract = "This is the bibliography of the radar group of" %%% Delft University of Technology. " %%% The bibliography serves two goals:" %%% 1. It is an easy reference bib file for anyone " %%% working in the field of radar interferometry, and" %%% 2. The 'available' field shows whether the reference is %%% available as a photocopy or reprint in room 13.04, %%% Department of Aerospace Engineering. " %%% The file contains additional entries from" %%% Andrea Monti Guarnieri (amg), Weber Hoen (ewh) " %%% Petar Marinkovic (psm), Bert Kampes (bk) and " %%% Sabine Put (sp) " %%% Periodical Title Abbreviations (Gale Research) or" %%% http://library.caltech.edu/reference/abbreviations/" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== @String{DUT:adr = {Delft, the Netherlands}} @String{DUT = {Delft University of Technology}} @String{DEOS= {Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems (DEOS), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands}} @String{AA = {Astronomy and Astrophysics}} @String{AAs = {Astron.\ Astrophys.}} @String{AASS = {Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series}} @String{AASSs = {Astron.\ Astrophys.\ Sup.}} @String{ACM = {ACM Computing Surveys}} @String{ACMs = {ACM Comput.\ Surv.}} @String{AREPS = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences}} @String{AREPSs = {Annu.\ Rev.\ Earth Planet.\ Sci.}} @String{ASS = {Astrophysics and Space Science}} @String{AMS = {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}} @String{AMSs = {Ann.\ Math.\ Stat.}} @String{ASR = {Advances in Space Research}} @String{ASRs = {Adv.\ Space Res.}} @String{AG = {Advances in Geophysics}} @String{AGs = {Adv.\ Geophys.}} @String{AiG= {Advances in Geosciences}} @String{AJ = {Astronomical Journal}} @String{AJs = {Astron.\ J.}} @String{AO = {Applied Optics}} @String{AOs = {Appl.\ Opt.}} @String{BAMS = {Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society}} @String{BAMSs = {Bull.\ Amer.\ Meteor.\ Soc.}} @String{BDG = {Bolletino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini}} @String{BDGs = {Bolletino d.\ Geod.\ e S.A.}} @String{BG = {Bulletin Geodesique}} @String{BGs = {Bull.\ Geodesique}} @String{BLM = {Boundary-Layer Meteorology}} @String{BLMs = {Boundary-Layer Meteorol.}} @String{BSSA = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}} @String{BSSAs = {Bull.\ Seismol.\ Soc.\ Am.}} @String{BV = {Bulletin of Volcanology}} @String{BVs = {Bull.\ Volcanol.}} @String{COM = {IEEE Transactions on Communications}} @String{CVGIP = {Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing}} @String{CVGIPs = {Comput.\ Vis.\ Graph.}} @String{IP = {Inverse Problems}} @String{IPs = {Inverse Problems}} @String{IT = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}} @String{JAG = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}} @String{JAGs = {Int.\ J.\ Appl.\ Earth Obs.\ and Geoinf.}} @String{JAeS = {Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences}} @String{PERS = {Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing}} @String{SA = {Scientific American}} @String{SAs = {Sci.\ Am.}} @String{SIAMR = {SIAM Review}} @String{SIAMRs = {SIAM Rev.}} @String{SU = {Stanford University}} @String{SU-adr = {Stanford, CA, USA}} @String{EOQ = {Earth Observation Quarterly}} @String{EOQs = {Earth Obs.\ Q.}} @String{EOS = {EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union}} @String{EPSL = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}} @String{EPSLs = {Earth and Planet.\ Sci.\ Lett.}} @String{EV = {Earthquakes and Volcanoes}} @String{MG = {Marine Geodesy}} @String{MGeol = {Mathematical Geology}} @String{CaG = {Computers and Geosciences}} @String{TUD = {Technische Universiteit Delft}} @String{TUDG = {Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit der Geodesie}} @String{TUDE = {Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit der Elektrotechniek}} @String{GJI = {Geophysical Journal International}} @String{TGARS = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}} @String{TGARSs = {IEEE Trans.\ Geosc.\ Remote Sens.}} @String{G3 = {Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems}} @String{G3s = {Geochem.\ Geophys.\ Geosyst.}} @String{GRSL = {Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters}} @String{GRSLs = {Geosc.\ Remote Sens.\ Lett.}} @String{IAE = {IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems}} @String{IAEs = {IEEE Trans.\ Aero.\ Elec.\ Sys.}} @String{IAEM = {IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine}} @String{IAEMs = {IEEE Aero.\ and Elec.\ Sys.\ Magazine}} @String{IAS = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing}} @String{IASs = {IEEE Trans.\ on Acoust.\ Speech}} @String{ISPRS = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}} @String{ISPRSs = {ISPRS J.\ Photogram.\ Remote Sens.}} @String{JAM = {Journal of Applied Meteorology}} @String{JAMs = {J.\ Appl.\ Meteor.}} @String{JAS = {Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences}} @String{JASs = {J.\ Atmos.\ Sci.}} @String{JGR = {Journal of Geophysical Research}} @String{JGRs = {J.\ Geophys.\ Res.}} @String{JATP = {Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics}} @String{JATPs = {J.\ of Atmos.\ and Terr.\ Phys.}} @String{JASTP = {Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics}} @String{JASTPs = {J.\ of Atmos.\ and Solar-Terr.\ Phys.}} @String{JAOT = {Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology}} @String{JAOTs = {J.\ Atmos.\ Oceanic Technol.}} @String{JOG = {Journal of Geodesy}} @String{JOGs = {J.\ Geodesy}} @String{JOGD = {Journal of Geodynamics}} @String{JOGDs = {J.\ Geodyn.}} @String{JOGLA = {Journal of Glaciology}} @String{JOGLAs = {J.\ Glaciol.}} @String{JOS = {Journal of Seismology}} @String{JOSs = {J.\ Seismol.}} @String{JOSA = {Journal of the Optical Society of America A.}} @String{JOSAs = {J.\ Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.\ A}} @String{JVGR = {Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research}} @String{JVGRs = {J.\ Volcanol.\ Geotherm.\ Res}} @String{gothenburg00 = {ERS/ENVISAT Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16--20 October 2000}} @String{GRL = {Geophysical Research Letters}} @String{GRLs = {Geophys.\ Res.\ Lett.}} @String{ROG = {Reviews of Geophysics}} @String{ROGs = {Rev.\ Geophys.}} @String{RGSP = {Reviews in Geophysics and Space Physics}} @String{RGSPs = {Rev.\ Geophys.\ Space Phys.}} @String{MWR = {Monthly Weather Review}} @String{MWRs = {Mon.\ Wea.\ Rev.}} @String{PCE = {Physics and Chemistry of the Earth}} @String{PEPI = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}} @String{PEPIs = {Phys.\ Earth Planet.\ In.}} @String{PIRE = {Proceedings of the I.R.E.}} @String{PIREs = {Proc.\ I.R.E.}} @String{PIEEE = {Proceedings of the IEEE}} @String{PIEEEs = {Proc. IEEE}} @String{PNAS = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}} @String{PRL = {Physical Review Letters}} @String{PRLs = {Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.}} @String{QSR = {Quaternary Science Reviews}} @String{QSRs = {Quaternary Sci.\ Rev.}} @String{RSE = {Remote Sensing of Environment}} @String{RSEs = {Remote Sens.\ of Environment}} @String{SIAMJ= {SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis Applications}} @String{SIAMJs= {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}} @String{IEEEIP= {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}} @String{IEEEIPs= {IEEE Trans.\ Image Process.}} @String{IEEESP= {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}} @String{IEEESPs= {IEEE Trans.\ Signal Process.}} @String{IJRS = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}} @String{IJRSs = {Int.\ J.\ Remote Sens.}} @String{MA = {Meteorological Applications}} @String{MAs = {Meteor.\ Appl.}} @String{QJRMS= {Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}} @String{QJRMSs= {Q.\ J.\ R.\ Meteorol.\ Soc.}} @String{TEC= {Tectonics}} @String{TECs= {Tectonics}} @String{TMS= {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software}} @String{TMSs= {ACM T.\ Math.\ Software}} @String{TPH= {Tectonophysics}} @String{TPHs= {Tectonophysics}} @String{WAF = {Weather and Forecasting}} @String{WAFs = {Weather Forecast.}} @String{WRR = {Water Resources Research}} @String{WRRs = {Water Resour.\ Res.}} @String{ZMP = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Mathematik und Physik}} @String{ZMPs = {Z.\ Math.\ Phys.}} @String{EPS = {Earth Planets Space}} @String{PAG = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}} @String{PAGs = {Pure Appl. Geophys.}} @String{TAOS = {Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences}} @String{TAOSs = {Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.}} @String{TJES = {Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences}} @String{TJESs = {Turkish J. Earth Sci.}} @String{ion01= {ION-GPS 2001, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sep 2001}} @String{kiss01= {International Symposium on Kinematic Systems in Geodesy, Geomatics and Navigation, Banff, Canada, 5--8 June 2001}} @String{igarss82= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, Germany, 1--4 June 1982}} @String{igarss87= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Ann Arbor, 18--21 May 1987}} @String{igarss88= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium}} @String{igarss91= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Espoo, Finland, 3--6 June 1991}} @String{igarss92= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, May 26--29 1992}} @String{igarss93= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 18--21 August 1993}} @String{igarss94= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, CA, USA, 8--12 August 1994}} @String{igarss95= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Florence, Italy, 10--14 July 1995}} @String{igarss96= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 27--31 May 1996}} @String{igarss97= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Singapore, 3--8 Aug 1997}} @String{igarss98= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA, 6--10 July 1998}} @String{igarss99= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 28 June--2 July 1999}} @String{igarss00= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, 24--28 July 2000}} @String{igarss01= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 9--13 July 2001}} @String{igarss02= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 24--28 June 2002}} @String{igarss03= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, 21--25 July 2003}} @String{igarss04= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, 20--24 September 2004}} @String{igarss05= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 25--29 July 2005}} @String{igarss06= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, 31 July--04 August 2006}} @String{igarss07= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 23--27 July 2007}} @String{igarss09= {International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, 13--17 July 2009}} @String{eucap09= {Third European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany, 23--27 March 2009}} @String{isprs01= {ISPRS Workshop, High Resolution Mapping from Space, Hannover, Germany, 19--21 September 2002}} @String{isprs02= {ISPRS Commission III Symposium, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, September 9--13 2002}} @String{isprs04= {ISPRS 2004 : proceedings of the XXth ISPRS congress : Geo-imagery bridging continents, 12-23 July 2004, Istanbul, Turkey}} @String{isprs05= {ISPRS Workshop, High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information, Hannover, Germany, 17--20 May 2005}} @String{isprs06= {ISPRS Mid-term Symposium, ``Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes'', Enschede, The Netherlands, 8--11 May 2006}} @String{isprs07= {ISPRS Commission VII Symposium, Conference on Information Extraction from SAR and Optical Data with Emphasis on Developing Countries, Istanbul, Turkey, 16--18 May 2007}} @String{gi4dm06= {2nd International Symposium on Geospatial Information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM 2006), 25-26 Sept 2006, Goa, India}} @String{ion55= {ION 55th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, 28--30 June 1999}} @String{ion90= {ION-GPS Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, 19--21 Sep 1990}} @String{agard182= {Fundamental and Special Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)}} @String{spie92 = {Proceedings of the SPIE}} @String{spie96 = {Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2958, Microwave Sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar}} @String{spie08 = {SPIE Europe Remote Sensing, Proceedings 15--18 September 2008, Cardiff, United Kingdom}} @String{earsel82 = {Radar calibration, Proceedings of EARSeL Workshop, Alpbach, Austria, 6--10 December 1982}} @String{earsel94 = {Radar calibration, Proceedings of the 14th EARSeL Workshop, Goteborg, Sweden, 6--8 June 1994}} @String{eusar96 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, K{\"o}nigswinter, Germany, 26--28 March 1996}} @String{eusar98 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Friedrichshafen, Germany, 25--27 May 1998}} @String{eusar00 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, M\"unchen, Germany, 22--25 May 2000}} @String{eusar02 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Cologne, Germany, 4-6 June 2002}} @String{eusar04 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Ulm, Germany, 25--27 May 2004}} @String{eusar06 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Dresden, Germany, 16--18 May 2006}} @String{eusar08 = {European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2--5 June 2008}} @String{radar08 = {IEEE Radar Conference, Rome, Italy, 26--30 May 2008}} @String{alos08 = {ALOS PI Symposium, Rhodes, Greece, 3--7 Nov 2008}} @String{ems04 = {European Meteorological Society, 4th Annual Meeting, Nice, France, 26--30 September 2004}} @String{ems05 = {European Meteorological Society, 5th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 12--16 September 2005}} @String{fringe96= {`FRINGE 96' workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry, Z\"urich, Switzerland, 30 Sep--2 October 1996}} @String{fringe99 = {Second International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry, `FRINGE99', Li\`ege, Belgium, 10--12 Nov 1999}} @String{fringe03 = {Third International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry, `FRINGE03', Frascati, Italy, 1-5 Dec 2003}} @String{fringe05 = {Fourth International Workshop on ERS/Envisat SAR Interferometry, `FRINGE05', Frascati, Italy, 28 Nov-2 Dec 2005}} @String{fringe07 = {Fifth International Workshop on ERS/Envisat SAR Interferometry, `FRINGE07', Frascati, Italy, 26 Nov-30 Nov 2007}} @String{fringe09 = {Advances in the Science and Applications of {SAR} interferometry, `FRINGE09', Frascati, Italy, 30 Nov-4 Dec 2009}} @String{fringe11 = {Advances in the Science and Applications of {SAR} interferometry and {Sentinel-1} Preparatory Workshop, `FRINGE11', Frascati, Italy,19-23 Sep 2011}} @String{biogeo04 = {4th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, 16--19 Nov 2004}} @String{meris03 = {MERIS User Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 10-13 Nov 2003}} @String{cannes92 = {First ERS-1 Symposium---Space at the Service of our Environment, Cannes, France, 4--6 November 1992}} @String{hamburg93 = {Second ERS-1 Symposium---Space at the Service of our Environment, Hamburg, Germany, 11--14 October 1993}} @String{florence97 = {Third ERS Symposium---Space at the Service of our Environment, Florence, Italy, 17--21 March 1997}} @String{salzburg04 = {ENVISAT \& ERS Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 6--10 September, 2004}} @String{nac06 = {8ste Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 24-25 April, 2006, Veldhoven}} @String{nac08 = {9e Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 18-19 March, 2008, Veldhoven}} @String{KNMG = {Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands geologisch mijnbouwkundig Genootschap}} @String{KNMGs = {Verhandelingen Kon.\ Ned.\ Geol.\ Mijnbouwk.\ Gen.}} @String{egs99 ={General Assembly European Geophysical Society, The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-23 April 1999 }} @String{egs00 ={EGS XXV General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-29 April 2000, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 2 }} @String{egs02 ={EGS XXV General Assembly, Nice, France, 21-26 April 2002, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 2 }} @String{egu08 ={EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 2008, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 10 }} @String{egu09 ={EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 11 }} @String{egu10 ={EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2010, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 11 }} @String{egu11 ={EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2011, Geophys. Res Abstracts, 11 }} @String{WRM = {Waves in Random Media}} @String{WRMs = {Wave Random Media}} @String{RS = {Radio Science}} @String{RSs = {Radio Sci.}} @String{RS-B = {Radio Science Bulletin}} @String{IAP= {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation}} @String{piers98= {Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Nantes, France, 13--17 July 1998 }} @String{piers03= {Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 13--16 Oct 2003}} @String{ceos98= {CEOS SAR Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 3-6 February 1998}} @String{ceos99= {CEOS SAR Workshop, ESA-CNES, Toulouse, France, 26-29 October 1999}} @String{ceos01= {CEOS SAR Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2--5 April 2001}} @String{ceos03= {CEOS SAR Workshop, Montr{\'e}al, Canada, 25--27 June 2003}} @String{ceos04= {CEOS SAR Workshop, Ulm Germany, 27--28 May 2004}} @String{bio98 = {Procedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Retrieval of Bio- \& Geo-physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 21--23 October 1998}} @String{itg98= {ITG-Fachtagung ``Wellenausbreitung bei Funksystemen und Mikrowellensystemen'', DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, 11--13 May 1998}} @String{ursi05 = {URSI Commission F Symposium on Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth, Oceans, Ice and Atmosphere, Ispra, Italy, 20--21 April, 2005}} @String{USNC75 = {USNC/URSI Annual Meeting, Boulder CO, 20--23 Oct 1975}} @String{ICR73 = {Int. Conf. Radar--Present and Future, IEE Conf.Pub.,no. 105, 23--25 Oct. 1973 }} @String{urban01 = {IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, 8--9 Nov, 2001}} @String{urban03 = {Second GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on ``Data Fusion and Remote Sensing over Urban Areas'', Berlin, Germany, 22--23 May, 2003}} @String{fig03 = {$11^{th}$ FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini, Greece, 23--28 May, 2003}} @String{fig08 = {$13^{th}$ FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis, Lisbon, Portugal, 12--15 May, 2008}} @String{fig09 = {$7^{th}$ FIG Regional Conference 'Spatial Data Serving People', Hanoi, Vietnam, 19--22 October 2009}} @String{wegener08 = {14th General Assembly of WEGENER, Darmstadt, Germany, September 15-18, 2008}} @String{sisols05= {Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Land Subsidence (SISOLS 2005), Shanghai, China, 23-28 October 2005, IAHS Publication No.\ XXX}} @String{agu05 = {AGU Fall meeting, December 5--9, San Francisco, USA}} @String{hotine89 = {II Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Pisa, Italy, June 5--8 1989}} @String{hotine94 = {III Hotine--Marussi symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, L'Aquila, Italy, May 29 -- June 3, 1994}} @String{hotine06 = {VI Hotine--Marussi International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy, Wuhan, China, 29 May -- 2 June, 2006}} @String{gisideas08 = {International Conference on GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth \& Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEAS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 4-6 December 2008}} @String{accuracy06 = {Accuracy 2006 (7th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences), Lisbon, Portugal, 5--7 July 2006}} @String{envisat07 = {ESA ENVISAT Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland, 23--27 April 2007}} @String{userest08 = {Second Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques ({USEREST}) for Monitoring Volcaonoes and Seismogenic Areas, Naples, Italy, 11--14 Nov, 2008}} @String{radar07 = {IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, United States, 17--20 April 2007}} @String{sisols00= {Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (SISOLS 200o), Ravenna, Italy, 24-29 September 2000, IAHS Publication No.\ XXX}} @String{fig01 = {$10^{th}$ FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Orange, California, USA, 19--22 March, 2001}} @inproceedings{kenselaar01, key = {gas extraction spatial temporal subsidence delftsar}, author = {Frank Kenselaar and Raoul Quadvlieg}, title = {Trend-signal modelling of land subsidence}, booktitle = fig01, year = {2001}, pages = {336-345}, available = {-} } @techreport{adam04b, key = {psi insar man-made}, author = {Nico Adam and Michael Eineder and Bert Kampes}, title = {{SAR} Interferometry for Bio- and Geo-Physical Retrievals. Literature Review --- Man-Made Objects}, institution = {Remote Sensing Technology Institure, German Aerospace Center}, year = {2004}, address = {Wessling, Germany}, note = {Report for the European Space Agency}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{kenselaar00, key = {gas extraction spatial temporal subsidence delftsar}, author = {Frank Kenselaar and Marcel Martens}, title = {Spatial temporal modelling of land subsidence due to gas extraction}, booktitle = sisols00, year = {2000}, pages = {13}, available = {-} } @manual{doris98, key = {doris user manual delftsar}, title = {Delft Object-oriented Radar Interferometric Software (DORIS), User's manual and technical documentation}, organization = {Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems (DEOS), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands}, year = 1998, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{dezan05a, key = {InSAR defo psi}, author = {F {De Zan} and G Fornaro and A Monti Guarnieri and A Pauciullo}, title = {Coherent Techniques for Multi Channel {SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle = igarss05, year = {2005}, pages = {4}, mailto = {dezan@elet.polimi.it}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{zebker07, key = {InSAR defo psi}, author = {Howard Zebker and Piyush Shankar and Andy Hooper}, title = {{InSAR} Remote Sensing Over Decorrelating Terrains: Persistent Scattering Methods}, booktitle = radar07, year = {2007}, pages = {717-722}, mailto = {zebker@stanford.edu}, available = {-} } @Article{muller08, key = {relativity GPS}, author = {J\"urgen M\"uller and Michael Soffel and Sergei A Klioner}, title = {Geodesy and relativity}, journal = JOG, year = {2008}, month = mrt, volume = {82}, number = {3}, pages = {133-145}, available = {-} } @article{farr07, key = {InSAR DEM SRTM}, author = {Tom G Farr and Paul A Rosen and Edward Caro and Robert Crippen and Riley Duren and Scott Hensley and Michael Kobrick and Mimi Paller and Ernesto Rodriguez and Ladislav Roth and David Seal and Scott Shaffer and Joanne Shimada and Jeffrey Umland and Marian Werner and Michael Oskin and Douglas Burbank and Douglas Alsdorf}, title = {The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission}, journal = ROGs, year = 2007, month = may, volume = 45, pages = 33, available = {-} } @Article{ferretti05a}, key = {PSI permanent scatterers persistent InSAR}, author = {Alessandro Ferretti and Marco Bianchi and Claudio Prati and Fabio Rocca}, title = {Higher-Order Permanent Scatterers Analysis} journal = IAE, year = 2005, volume = 2005, number = {20}, pages = {3231-3242}, available = {-} } @mastersthesis{krige51, key = {kriging interpolation covariance variogram}, author = {D G Krige}, title = {A statistical approach to some mine valuation and allied problems on the {W}itwatersrand}, year = 1951, school = {University of Witwatersrand}, available = {-} } @article{teunissen08, key = {GPS prediction Kriging ILS}, author = {P J G Teunissen}, title = {On a stronger-than-best property for best prediction}, journal = JOG, year = 2008, month = mar, volume = 82, number = 3, pages = {167-175}, available = {-} } @article{fornaro02a, key = {SAR raw focusing geometry}, author = {G Fornaro and E Sansosti and R Lanari and M Tesauro}, title = {Role of Processing Geometry in {SAR} Raw Data Focusing}, journal = IAE, year = {2002}, month = apr, volume = 38, number = 2, pages = {441-454}, available = {-} } @article{ayele07, key = {volcanic eruption dyke injection Afar Ethiopia lnSAR}, author = {Atalay Ayele and Eric Jacques and Mohammed Kassim and Tesfaye Kidane and Ahmed Omar and Stephen Tait and Alexandre Nercessian and Jean-Bernard de Chabalier and Geoffrey King}, title = {The volcano-seismic crisis in {Afar}, {Ethiopia}, starting {September} 2005}, journal = EPSL, year = 2007, volume = 255, month = feb, pages = {177-187}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hooper08, key = {PSI delftsar ah}, author={A Hooper}, title={A Multi-Temporal {InSAR} Method Incorporating Both Persistent Scatterer and Small Baseline Approaches}, journal= GRL, volume = {35}, pages = {L16302}, year = {2008}, doi = {10.1029/2008GL03465}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{paganelli08, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {F Paganelli and A Hooper}, title = {Deformation at Fogo volcano, Cape Verde, detected by persistent scatterer InSAR}, journal = {EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna}, volume = {10}, pages = {EGU2008-A-07819}, year = {2008}, url={http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2008}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{ofeigsson08, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {B G \'{O}feigsson and F Sigmundsson and A Hooper and E Sturkell}, title = {Crustal deformation of {H}ekla volcano, Iceland: Time series analysis of {InSAR} images}, journal = {IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik}, year = {2008}, url ={http://www.iavcei2008.hi.is}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{pinel08a, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {V M Pinel and A Hooper and S de la Cruz-Reyna and G Reyes-Davilla and M P Doin}, title = {Study of the deformation field of two active {M}exican stratovolcanoes ({P}opocatepetl and {C}olima Volcano) by time series of {InSAR} data}, journal = {IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.iavcei2008.hi.is}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hooper08b, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {A Hooper and R Pedersen}, title = {Deformation at {K}atla, {E}yjafjallaj\"{o}kull and {U}pptyppingar, Iceland, from Multi-Temporal {InSAR}: A Combined Persistent Scatterer and Small Baseline Method}, journal = {IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.iavcei2008.hi.is}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{geirsson08a, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {H Geirsson and F Sigmundsson and B G \'{O}feigsson and E Sturkell and T \'{A}rnad\'{o}ttir and A Hooper and P Einarsson and G Gu\{dh}mundsson and M Jackson and F Blume}, title = {Crustal deformation associated with the deep-seated seismic swarm at {U}pptyppingar, north of {V}atnaj\"{o}kull, {I}celand}, journal = {IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, Reykjavik}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.iavcei2008.hi.is}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hooper08c, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {A Hooper and F Sigmundsson and B G Ofeigsson}, title = {Ongoing Deep-Seated Activity in the {N}orthern {V}olcanic {Z}one, {I}celand - Insights From {InSAR} }, journal = {ALOS PI Symposium 2008, Rhodes, Greece}, year = {2008}, url = {http://earth.esa.int/ALOS2008/}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{ofeigsson08b, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {B G Ofeigsson and F Sigmundsson and A Hooper and E O Sturkell}, title = {1992-2000 {InSAR} time series analysis at {H}ekla volcano, {I}celand: Inflation periods and the 2000 eruption co-eruptive changes}, journal = {Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.}, volume = {89}, number = {53}, pages = {V11B-2033}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{pinel08, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {V M Pinel and M Doin and S de la Cruz-Reyna and A Hooper}, title = {Use of Global Meteorological Model to Correct for Stratified Tropospheric Delays in {SAR} Data: Application to Active Mexican Stratovolcanoes}, journal = {Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.}, volume = {89}, number = {53}, pages = {G53C-07}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hooper08d, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {A Hooper and B G Ofeigsson and and H Geirsson and F Sigmundsson and P Einarsson and E Sturkell}, title = { Magma Capturing in Lower Ductile Crust: Reawakening of Northern {I}celand's Divergent Plate Boundary}, journal = {Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.}, volume = {89}, number = {53}, pages = {V51D-2075}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{decriem08, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {J Decriem and T Arnadottir and H Geirsson and M Keiding and B G Ofeigsson and S Hreinsdottir and P Lafemina and A Hooper and F Sigmundsson and R Bennet}, title = { Unraveling faulting in a complex earthquake sequence in the {S}outh {I}celand {S}eismic {Z}one}, journal = {Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.}, volume = {89}, number ={53}, pages = { T41A-1926}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{chang08, key = {PSI defo delftsar ah}, author = {C Chang and J Yen and A Hooper and F Chou and Y Chen and C Hou and W}, title = {Space-borne Radar for surface deformation analysis of northern {T}aiwan area, Differential and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry}, journal = {Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.}, volume = {89}, number = {53}, pages = {V11B-2033}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{nitti10, key = {deformation insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Davide O Nitti and Ramon F Hanssen and Alberto Refice and Fabio Bovenga and Raffaele Nutricato}, title = {Impact of {DEM}-assisted coregistration on high-resolution {SAR} interferometry}, journal = TGARS, year = 2010, volume = {in press}, pages = {tbc}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/nitti10_accepted_4_pub.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{sousa10, key = {deformation insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Joaquim J Sousa and Antonio M Ruiz and Ramon F Hanssen and Luisa Bastos and Antonio J Gil and Jes\'us Galindo-Zald\'ivar and Carlos Sanz de Galdeano}, title = {{PS-InSAR} processing methodologies in the detection of field surface deformation---Study of the {Granada} basin ({Central Betic Cordilleras}, southern {Spain})}, journal = JOGD, year = 2010, volume = 49, pages = {181--189}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/sousa10.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{sousa11, key = {deformation insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Joaquim J Sousa and Andrew J Hooper and Ramon F Hanssen and Luisa C Bastos and Antonio M Ruiz}, title = {Persistent Scatterer {InSAR}: A comparison of methodologies based on a model of temporal deformation vs.\ spatial correlation selection criteria}, journal = RSE, year = 2011, volume = 115, number = 10, pages = {2652-2663}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/sousa11.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{bos04, key = {coseismic deformation gps insar izmit delftsar}, author = {A G Bos and S Usai and W Spakman}, title = {A joint analysis of {GPS} motions and {InSAR} to infer the coseismic surface deformation of the {Izmit}, {Turkey} earthquake}, journal = GJI, year = 2004, volume = 158, month = may, pages = {849-863}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{burgmann02a, key = {insar deformation earthquake modeling gps}, author = {Roland B\"urgmann and M Emin Ayhan and Eric J Fielding and Tim J Wright and Simon McClusky and Bahadir Aktug and Coskun Demir and Onur Lenk and Ali T\"urkezer}, title = {Deformation during the 12 {November} 1999 {D\"uzce}, {Turkey}, Earthquake, from {GPS} and {InSAR} Data}, journal = BSSA, year = 2002, volume = 92, number = 1, month = feb, pages = {161-171}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{cakir03b, key = {izmit earthquake slip coseismic postseismic deformation insar}, author = {Ziyadin \'Cakir and Jean-Bernard de Chabalier and Rolando Armijo and Bertrand Meyer and Aykut Barka and Gilles Peltzer}, title = {Coseismic and early post-seismic slip associated with the 1999 {Izmit} earthquake ({Turkey}), from {SAR} interferometry and tectonic field observations}, journal = GJI, year = 2003, volume = 155, month = mar, pages = {93-110}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{cakir03c, key = {duzce earthquake insar gps elastic modelling source parameters}, author = {Ziyadin \'Cakir and Aykut Barka and Jean-Bernard de Chabalier and Rolando Armijo and Bertrand Meyer}, title = {Kinematics of the {November} 12, 1999 ({Mw=7.2}) {D\"uzce} Earthquake Deduced from {SAR} Interferometry }, journal = TJES, year = 2003, volume = 12, pages = {105-118}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{catita05, key = {insar earthquake}, author = {C Catita and K L Feigl and J Catalao and J M Miranda and L M Victor}, title = {{InSAR} time series analysis of the 9 {July} 1998 {Azores} earthquake}, journal = IJRS, year = 2005, volume = 26, number = 13, month = jul, pages = {2715-2729}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{chang04, key = {insar deformation chi chi earthquake}, author = {C P Chang and C T Wang and T Y Chang and K S Chen and L S Liang and E Pathier and J Angelier}, title = {Application of {SAR} interferometry to a large thrust deformation: the 1999 {Mw = 7.6 Chichi} earthquake in central {Taiwan}}, journal = GJI, year = 2004, volume = 159, month = jun, pages = {9-16}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{chlieh04, key = {earthquake cycle gps insar nothern chile subduction zone}, author = {M Chlieh and J B de Chabalier and J C Ruegg and R Armijo and R Dmowska and J Campos and K L Feigl}, title = {Crustal deformation and fault slip during the seismic cycle in the {North Chile} subduction zone, from {GPS} and {InSAR} observations}, journal = GJI, year = 2004, volume = 158, pages = {695-711}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{delouis00, key = {insar izmit earthquake teleseismic data inversion}, author = {B Delouis and P Lundgren and J Salichon and D Giardini}, title = {Joint inversion of {InSAR} and teleseismic data for the slip history of the 1999 {Izmit} ({Turkey}) earthquake}, journal = GRL, year = 2000, volume = 27, number = 20, month = oct, pages = {3389-3392}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{delouis02, key = {insar gps teleseismic deformation izmit earthquake modeling}, author = {B Delouis and D Giardini and P Lundgren and J Salichon}, title = {Joint inversion of {InSAR}, {GPS}, teleseismic, and strong-motion data for the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquake slip: application to the 1999 {Izmit} mainshock}, journal = BSSA, year = 2002, volume = 92, number = 1, month = feb, pages = {278-299}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{fialko02, key = {insar deformation hector mine earthquake}, author = {Yuri Fialko and David Sandwell and Duncan Agnew and Mark Simons and Peter Shearer and Bernard Minster}, title = {Deformation on nearby faults induced by the 1999 {Hector Mine} earthquake}, journal = {Science}, year = 2002, volume = 297, pages = {1858-1862}, month = sep, available = {sp pdf} } @article{funning05, key = {insar earthquake bolivia elastic dislocation modeling source parameters}, author = {Gareth J Funning and Richard M D Barke and Simon H Lamb and Estela Minaya and Barry Parsons and Tim J Wright}, title = {The 1998 {Aquile}, {Bolivia} earthquake: a seismically active fault revealed with {InSAR}}, journal = EPSL, year = 2005, volume = 232, pages = {39-49}, month = jan, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hsieh06, key = {chi chi earthquake coseismic deformation insar gps}, author = {Chia-Sheng Hsieh and Tian-Yuan Shih}, title = {Coseismic deformation of {Chi-Chi} earthquake as detected by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry and {GPS} data}, journal = TAOS, year = 2006, volume = 17, pages = {517-532}, month = sep, available = {sp pdf} } @article{hunstad99, key = {central apennines coseismic displacements gps normal faulting}, author = {Ingrid Hunstad and Marco Anzidei and Massimo Cocco and Paolo Baldi and Alessandro Galvani and Arianna Pesci}, title = {Modelling coseismic displacements during the 1997 {Umbria-Marche} earthquake (central {Italy})}, journal = GJI, year = 1999, volume = 139, pages = {283-295}, month = may, available = {sp pdf} } @article{ji02, key = {hector mine earthquake}, author = {Chen Ji and David J Wald and Donald V Helmberger}, title = {Source description of the 1999 {Hector Mine}, {California}, earthquake, part {II}: complexity of slip history}, journal = BSSA, year = 2002, volume = 92, number = 4, month = may, pages = {1208-1226}, available = {sp pdf} } @inproceedings{jonsson04, key = {insar deformation bam earthquake modelling source parameters}, author = {S Jonsson and P M Mai and D Small and E Meier and J Salichon and D Giardini}, title = {Using SAR interferometry and teleseismic data to determine source parameters for the 2003 {Bam} earthquake}, booktitle = salzburg04, year = 2004, pages = {5 pp}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{kaverina02, key = {inversion seismic geodetic source process hector mine earthquake}, author = {Asya Kaverina and Douglas Dreger and Evelyn Price}, title = {The combined inversion of seismic and geodetic data for the source process of the 16 {October} 1999 {Mw 7.1 Hector Mine}, {California}, earthquake}, journal = BSSA, year = 2002, volume = 92, number = 4, month = may, pages = {1266-1280}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{motagh06, key = {insar leveling bam earthquake}, author = {Mahdi Motagh and J\"urgen Klotz and Farokh Tavakoli and Yahya Djamour and Siavash Arabi and Hans-Ulrich Wetzel and Jochen Zschau}, title = {Combination of precise leveling and {InSAR} data to constrain source parameters of the {Mw = 6.5}, 26 {December} 2003 {Bam} earthquake}, journal = PAG, year = 2006, volume = 163, pages = {1-18}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{nishimura03, key = {insar gps leveling miyagi japan earthquake}, author = {Takuya Nishimura and Tetsuro Imakiire and Hiroshi Yarai and Taku Ozawa and Makoto Murakami and Masaru Kaidzu}, title = {A preliminary fault model of the 2003 {July} 26, {M 6.4} northern {Miyagi} earthquake, northeastern {Japan}, estimated from joint inversion of {GPS}, leveling, and {InSAR} data}, journal = EPS, year = 2003, volume = 55, month = dec, pages = {751-757}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{pagli03, key = {insar reykjanes peninsula iceland earthquake}, author = {Carolina Pagli and Rikke Pedersen and Freysteinn Sigmundsson and Kurt L Feigl}, title = {Triggered fault slip on {June} 17, 2000 on the {Reykjanes Peninsula}, {SW-Iceland} captured by radar interferometry}, journal = GRL, year = 2003, volume = 30, number = 6, month = mar, pages = {6/1-6/4}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{pathier03, key = {chi chi earthquake insar gps coseismic processes}, author = {Erwan Pathier and Benedicte Fruneau and Benoit Deffontaines and Jacques Angelier and Chung-Pai Chang and Shui-Beih Yu and Chyi-Tyi Lee}, title = {Coseismic displacements of the footwall of the {Chelungpu} fault caused by the 1999, {Taiwan}, {Chi-Chi} earthquake from {InSAR} and {GPS} data}, journal = EPSL, year = 2003, volume = 212, pages = {73-88}, month = may, available = {sp pdf} } @article{pritchard02a, key = {earthquake InSAR inverse theory northern chile subduction zone}, author = {M E Pritchard and M Simons and P A Rosen and S Hensley and F H Webb}, title = {Co-seismic slip from the 1995 {July} 30 {Mw=8.1} {Antofagasta}, {Chile}, earthquake as constrained by {InSAR} and {GPS} observations}, journal = GJI, year = 2002, volume = 150, pages = {362-376}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{salichon03, key = {insar teleseismic inversion peru earthquake}, author = {J Salichon and B Delouis and P Lundgren and D Giardini and M Costantini and P Rosen}, title = {Joint inversion of broadband teleseismic and interferometric synthetic aperture radar ({InSAR}) for the slip history of the {Mw = 7.7}, {Nazca Ridge} ({Peru}) earthquake of 12 {November} 1996}, journal = JGR, year = 2003, volume = 108, number = {B2}, month = feb, pages = {9/1-9/13}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{salichon04, key = {insar gps teleseismic data inversion hector mine earthquake}, author = {J Salichon and P Lundgren and B Delouis and D Giardini}, title = {Slip history of the 16 {October} 1999 {Mw 7.1 Hector Mine} earthquake ({California}) from the inversion of {InSAR}, {GPS}, and teleseismic data}, journal = BSSA, year = 2004, volume = 94, number = 6, month = dec, pages = {2015-2027}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{salvi00, key = {insar coseismic displacements gps earthquake}, author = {S Salvi and S Stramondo and M Cocco and M Tesauro and I Hunstad and M Anzidei and P Briole and P Baldi and E Sansosti and G Fornaro and R Lanari and F Doumaz and A Pesci and A Galvani}, title = {Modeling coseismic displacements resulting from {SAR} interferometry and {GPS} measurements during the 1997 {Umbria-Marche} seismic sequence}, journal = JOS, year = 2000, volume = {4}, pages = {479-499}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{shamir03, key = {insar deformation earthquake modeling}, author = {G Shamir and G Baer and A Hofstetter}, title = {Three-dimensional elastic earthquake modelling based on integrated seismological and {InSAR} data: the {Mw = 7.2} {Nuweiba} earthquake, {Gulf of Elat/Aqaba} 1995 {November}}, journal = GJI, year = 2003, volume = 154, pages = {731-744}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{simons02, key = {coseismic deformation hector mine earthquake insar gps}, author = {Mark Simons and Yuri Fialko and Luis Rivera}, title = {Coseismic deformation from the 1999 {Mw 7.1 Hector Mine}, {California}, earthquake as inferred from {InSAR} and {GPS} observations}, journal = BSSA, year = 2002, volume = 92, number = 4, month = may, pages = {1390-1402}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{talebian04, key = {insar deformation bam earthquake}, author = {Morteza Talebian and Eric J Fielding and Gareth J Funning and Manoucher Ghorashi and James Jackson and Hamid Nazari and Barry Parsons and Keith Priestley and Paul A Rosen and Richard Walker and Tim J Wright}, title = {The 2003 {Bam} ({Iran}) earthquake - rupture of a blind strike-slip fault}, journal = GRL, year = 2004, volume = 31, available = {sp pdf} } @article{wang04, key = {insar deformation bam earthquake inversion}, author = {R Wang and Y Xia and H Grosser and H U Wetzel and H Kaufmann and J Zschau}, title = {The 2003 {Bam} ({SE Iran}) earthquake: precise source parameters from satellite radar interferometry}, journal = GJI, year = 2004, volume = 159, pages = {917-922}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{wang07, key = {insar manyi earthquake}, author = {Hua Wang and Caijun Xu and Linlin Ge}, title = {Coseismic deformation and slip distribution of the 1997 {Mw 7.5 Manyi}, {Tibet}, earthquake from {InSAR} measurements}, journal = JOGD, year = 2007, volume = 44, month = mar, pages = {200-212}, available = {sp pdf} } @article{wright03b, key = {insar deformation earthquake modeling source parameters}, author = {Tim J Wright and Zhong Lu and Chuck Wicks}, title = {Source model for the {Mw 6.7}, 23 {October} 2002, {Nenana Mountain} earthquake ({Alaska}) from {InSAR}}, journal = GRL, year = 2003, volume = 30, number = {18}, pages = {12/1-12/4}, available = {sp pdf} } @inproceedings{seymour96, key={SAR interferometry baseline estimation topography}, author={M S Seymour and I G Cumming}, title={An Iterative Algorithm for {ERS} Baseline Estimation}, booktitle=fringe96, year={1996}, organization={ESA}, mailto={seymour@ee.ubc.ca}, available={photocopy QUANG} } @inproceedings{luca96, key={DEM fractals wavelets multiresolution artifacts segmentation}, author={Dragos Luca and Mihai Datcu and Klaus Seidel}, title={Multiresolution Analysis of {DEMs}: Error and Artifact Characterization}, booktitle=fringe96, year={1996}, organization={ESA}, mailto={dluca@vision.ee.ethz.ch}, available={photocopy QUANG} } @inproceedings{rommen09, key = {PSI delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Bj\"orn Rommen and Leslie Gale and Ramon Hanssen and Shizhuo Liu and Christian M\"atzler and Agnes Mika and June Morland and Maurizio Santoro and Urs Wegm\"uller and Charles Werner and Hein Zelle}, title = {The {ESA METAWAVE} project---correcting for atmospheric water vapour effects in {InSAR} products}, booktitle = eucap09, month = mar, year = {2009}, pages = {1-5}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/rommen09.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{wauthier09, key = {PSI delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Christelle Wauthier and Anneleen Oyen and Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen and Nicolas {d'Oreye} and Fran\c{c}ois Kervyn and Jos\'e Fernandez and Val\'erie Cayol}, title = {L-band contribution to {C-band} {InSAR} studies of {African} volcanic areas}, booktitle = igarss09, year = {2009}, pages = {in preparation}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic07, key = {dynamic recursive PSI delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Dynamic Persistent Scatterers Interferometry}, booktitle = igarss07, year = {2007}, mailto = {p.marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, pages = {4 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic07.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{ketelaar07a, key = {PSI Datum connection delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Gini Ketelaar and Freek van Leijen and Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Multi-track {PS-InSAR} datum connection}, booktitle = igarss07, year = {2007}, mailto = {v.b.h.ketelaar@tudelft.nl}, pages = {4 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/ketelaar07a.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{leijen07a, key = {PSI deformation adaptive models delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Freek J van Leijen and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Persistent Scatterer Density Improvement using Adaptive Deformation Models}, booktitle = igarss07, year = {2007}, mailto = {f.j.vanleijen@tudelft.nl}, pages = {4 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/leijen07a.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{lindenbergh07a, key = {water vapor gps meris delftsar}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Hans van der Marel and Maxim Keshin and Siebren de Haan}, title = {Towards sequential water vapor predictions based on time series of {GPS} and {Meris}}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {6 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lindenbergh07a.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{mohr96, key={SAR interferometry glacier ERS EMISAR}, author={Johan Jacob Mohr and Soren Norvan Madsen}, title={Multi-pass interferometric for studies of glacier dynamics}, booktitle=fringe96, year={1996}, organization={ESA}, mailto={jm@emi.dtu.dk}, available={photocopy QUANG} } @inproceedings{derauw96, key={SAR differential interferometry}, author={Dominique Derauw and Jean Moxhet}, title={Multiple Images {SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle=fringe96, year={1996}, organization={ESA}, mailto={CSLULG@vml.ulg.ac.be}, available={photocopy QUANG} } @inproceedings{hartl92, key={SAR interferometry}, author={Ph Hartl and M Reich and K H Thiel and Y Xia}, title={{SAR}-interferometry applying {ERS-1} some preliminary test results}, booktitle=cannes92, address={Cannes, France}, year={1992}, month=nov, publisher={ESA}, pages={219-222}, organization={ESA}, available={photocopy QUANG} } @inproceedings{crosetto03, key={deformation SAR interferometry interferometric}, author={Michele 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hanssen_salzburg.ppt} } @inproceedings{ketelaar04c, key = {insar ps corner defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Gini Ketelaar and Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Validation of point scatterer phase statistics in multi-pass {InSAR}}, booktitle = salzburg04, year = 2004, pages = {10 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/ketelaar04c.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen08a, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and F J van Leijen and G J van Zwieten and S Dortland and C N Bremmer and M Kleuskens}, title = {Validation of {PSI} results of {Alkmaar} and {Amsterdam} within the {Terrafirma} validation experiment}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {6 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen08a.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{esfahany08, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Sami Samiei-Esfahany and Freek J van Leijen and Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Lessons learned from {PSIC4}: Improving {PSI} results for a constrained test site}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {7 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/esfahany08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @article{bell08, key = {aquifer insar}, author = {John W Bell and Falk Amelung and Alessandro Ferretti and Marco Bianchi and Fabrizio Novali}, year = 2008, title = {Monitoring aquifer-system response to groundwater pumping and artificial recharge}, journal = {First Break}, volume = 26, month = aug, pages = {51-57} } @article{ferretti07, author = {A Ferretti and G Savio and R Barzaghi and A Borghi and S Musazzi and F Novali and C Prati and F Rocca}, year = 2007, title = {Sub-millimeter accuracy of {InSAR} time series: Experimental validation}, journal = TGARS, volume = 45, number = 5, pages = {1142-1153} } @inproceedings{perski08, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Zbigniew Perski and Ramon Hanssen and Petar Marinkovic}, title = {Deformation of the margin of {Sudety} Mountains ({Southern Poland}), studied by persistent scatterers interferometry}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {4 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/perski08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic08, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar and Freek van Leijen and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {{InSAR} Quality Control: Analysis of Five Years of Corner Reflector Time Series}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {8 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{leijen08, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Freek van Leijen and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Ground water management and its consequences in {Delft}, the {Netherlands} as observed by persistent scatterer interferometry}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {6 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/leijen08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{arikan08, key = {delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Mahmut Arikan and Freek van Leijen and Liu Guang and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Improved Image Alignment under the influence of Elevation}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {4 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{caro08, key = {permanent scatterers delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Miguel {Caro Cuenca} and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Subsidence due to peat decomposition in the {Netherlands}, kinematic observations from radar interferometry}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {6 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/carocuenca08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{martins08, key = {permanent scatterers delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {J Martins and J Catalao and P Marinkovic and R Hanssen}, title = {{INSAR} monitoring of {Faial} and {Pico} Islands ({Azores}), First Results}, booktitle = fringe07, year = 2008, pages = {3 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/martins08.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{meyer05, key = {atmo permanent scatterers delftsar }, author = {Franz Meyer and Bert Kampes and Richard Bamler and Juergen Fischer}, title = {Methods for Atmospheric Correction in {INSAR} Data}, booktitle = fringe05, year = 2006, pages = {7 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen05c, key = {permanent scatterers delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Alessandro Ferretti and Rossen Grebenitcharsky and Frank Kleyer and Ayman Elawar and Marco Bianchi}, title = {Atmospheric Phase Screen ({APS}) estimation and modeling for radar interferometry}, booktitle = fringe05, year = 2006, pages = {6 pp.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{ketelaar07, key = {insar ps groningen defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Gini Ketelaar and Freek van Leijen and Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Multi-track {PS-InSAR} fusion}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {Submitted xxx pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen07a, key = {insar ps salt defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and A J M Humme}, title = {Optimizing success rates for Persistent Scatterer identification and monitoring, applied to solution salt mining}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {Submitted xxx pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen07b, key = {insar ps defo dikes delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and and F J van Leijen and F J Dentz and B M J Possel and S Samiei Estafahany and D C Slobbe and L M van Halderen and T P Wortel}, title = {On the potential of {PS-InSAR} for monitoring dikes in the {Netherlands}}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {Submitted xxx pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{ruiz07, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {A M Ruiz and J J Sousa and R F Hanssen and Z Perski and L Bastos and A J Gil}, title = {Deformation in the {Granada} Basin ({Southern Betic Cordillera}) studied by {PS-InSAR}: preliminary results}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {Submitted xxx pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf poster} } @inproceedings{ruiz08, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Antonio M Ruiz and Joaguim Sousa and Ramon F Hanssen and Zbigniew Perski and Antonio J Gil and Luisa Bastos and Jes\'us Galindo-Zald\'{\i}var}, title = {Measurement of ground subsidence in the {Granada} area ({Southern Spain}) using {PS-InSAR}}, booktitle = {International Congres on Geomatic \& Surveying Engineering, FIG-Symposia Com.\ 2\&3, Valencia}, year = 2008, pages = {t.b.d.}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/ruiz08.pdf}, available = {doc RH Ruiz_et_al_PSInSAR_TOPCART-2008.doc} } @inproceedings{perski07, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Zbigniew Perski and Freek van Leijen and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Applicability of {PSInSAR} for building hazard identification. Study of the {29 January 2006 Katowice} exhibition hall collapse and the {24 February 2006 Moscow Basmanny} market collapse}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {Submitted xxx pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{leijen07, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Freek J van Leijen and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Persistent Scatterer interferometry using adaptive deformation models}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{krawczyk07, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Artur Krawczyk and Zbigniew Perski and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Application of {ASAR} Interferometry for Motorway Deformation Monitoring}, booktitle = envisat07, year = 2007, pages = {4 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/krawczyk07.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{dezan05, key = {InSAR defo psi}, author = {Francesco {De Zan} and Fabio Rocca}, title = {Coherent Processing of Long Series of {SAR} Images}, booktitle = igarss05, year = {2005}, mailto = {dezan@elet.polimi.it}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{ketelaar05, key = {PS-InSAR integrated amplitude calibration delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Gini Ketelaar and Freek van Leijen and Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Initial point selection and validation in {PS-InSAR} using integrated amplitude calibration}, booktitle = igarss05, year = {2005}, mailto = {v.b.h.ketelaar@tudelft.nl}, pages = {5490-5493}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/ketelaar05.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic05, key = {PS-InSAR recursion kalman-filter delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar S Marinkovic and Freek van Leijen and Gini Ketelaar and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Recursive data processing and data volume minimization for {PS-InSAR}}, booktitle = igarss05, year = {2005}, mailto = {p.s.marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, 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Leijen and Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar}, title = {Earth surface deformation extraction by time series {InSAR} data processing}, booktitle = sisols05, year = {2005}, editor = {Z Agen and G Shiliang and L Carbognin and A I Johnson}, publisher = {Shanghai Scientific \& Technical Publishers}, pages = {487-494}, volume = {2}, available = {original} } @inproceedings{linden05, key = {land subsidence peat compaction oxidation}, author = {Wim van der Linden and Ger de Lange and Ed J M Veling and S A Leake}, title = {A method for simulating compaction, time-dependent creep, and oxidation of shallow soils}, booktitle = sisols05, year = {2005}, editor = {Z Agen and G Shiliang and L Carbognin and A I Johnson}, publisher = {Shanghai Scientific \& Technical Publishers}, pages = {552-559}, volume = {2}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/linden05.pdf}, available = {pdf linden05.pdf}, } @inproceedings{yue04, key = {insar ps coregistration sensitivity topography delftsar rfh_proc}, author = {Yue Huanyin and Ramon Hanssen and Jan Kianicka and Petar Marinkovic and Freek van Leijen and Gini Ketelaar}, title = {Sensitivity of topography of {InSAR} data coregistration}, booktitle = salzburg04, year = 2004, pages = {6 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/yue04.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic04b, key = {insar ps parallelization delftsar rfh_proc}, author = {Petar S Marinkovic and Ramon F Hanssen and Bert M Kampes}, title = {Utilization of parallelization algorithms in {InSAR/PS-InSAR} processing}, booktitle = salzburg04, year = 2004, pages = {7 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic04b.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic04c, key = {insar ps coregistration point clusters delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar S Marinkovic and Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Advanced {InSAR} coregistration using point clusters}, booktitle = salzburg04, year = 2004, pages = {7 pp}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic04c.pdf}, available = {submitted} } @inproceedings{munoz03b, key = {meris atmo insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {J {Mu\~noz Sabater} and Ramon F Hanssen and Dmitri M Moisseev}, title = {CROSS-VALIDATION OF {MERIS} AND {ASAR-InSAR} WATER VAPOR OBSERVATIONS}, booktitle = meris03, year = 2003, pages = {6 pp.}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inbook{govaerts97a, crossref = {govaerts97}, key = {geostatistics histogram declustering sample semivariogram covariance}, author = {Pierre Govaerts}, title = {Inference and Modeling}, chapter = {4}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{lange09, key = {insar defo zevenaar subsidence rfh_techrep delftsar}, author = {G de Lange and W H J van der Velden and J Kopinga and R F Hanssen and P Marinkovic and J T Buma and N Goorden and M A J Bakker}, title = {Onderzoek naar zettingen in de gemeente {Zevenaar}}, institution = {Deltares}, year = 2009, note = {in Dutch}, available 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Case {Hondsbossche} en {Pettemer} Zeewering}, title = {Bodembeweging langs de kust: ``Wat kun je meten?''}, chapter = {3.2}, pages ={41-58}, year = {2008}, publisher = {IOS press}, address = {Amsterdam}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {hardcopy} } @incollection{bergen07, key = {deformation}, author = {F van Bergen and H J M Pagnier and P C H van Tongeren}, editor = {Th E Wong and D A J Batjes and J de Jager}, booktitle = {Geology of the Netherlands}, title = {Peat, coal and coalbed methane}, pages ={265-282}, year = {2007}, publisher = {Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences}, address = {Amsterdam}, available = {pdf} } @incollection{hanssen08f, key = {delftsar insar defo subsidence rfh_inbook}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Freek J van Leijen and Gertjan van Zwieten}, editor = {Frans Barends and Douwe Dillingh and Ramon Hanssen and Kyra van Onselen}, booktitle = {Bodemdaling langs de {Nederlandse} kust. Case {Hondsbossche} en {Pettemer} Zeewering}, title = {Bodemdaling {Kennemerland} waargenomen met satelliet radarinterferometrie {(InSAR)}}, chapter = {3.4}, pages ={69-99}, year = {2008}, publisher = {IOS press}, address = {Amsterdam}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf} } @incollection{leijen08b, key = {delftsar insar defo subsidence rfh_inbook}, author = {Freek J van Leijen and Astrid J M Humme and Ramon F Hanssen}, editor = {Frans Barends and Douwe Dillingh and Ramon Hanssen and Kyra van Onselen}, booktitle = {Bodemdaling langs de {Nederlandse} kust. Case {Hondsbossche} en {Pettemer} Zeewering}, title = {Deformatie van de {Hondsbossche} en {Pettemer} Zeewering geconstateerd met radarinterferometrie}, chapter = {4.5}, pages = {151-169}, year = {2008}, publisher = {IOS press}, address = {Amsterdam}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf} } @inbook{feigl02, crossref = {lee02}, author = {Kurt L Feigl}, title = {Estimating earthquake source parameters from geodetic measurements}, chapter = {37}, available = {photocopy} } @inbook{popper99, crossref = {klee99}, author = {Karl Popper}, title = {Falsificationism}, chapter = {8}, available = {photocopy} } @inbook{arnold97a, crossref = {arnold97}, author = {Robert H Arnold}, title = {Satellite Mapping of Earth's Atmosphere and Water Resources}, chapter = {10}, available = {photocopy} } @inbook{arnold97b, crossref = {arnold97}, key = {satellite radar sar}, author = {Robert H Arnold}, title = {Interpretation of Radar Imagery}, chapter = {11}, available = {photocopy} } @incollection{bamler93a, 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author = {Andrew Sowter}, title = {Phase ambiguity determination for the positioning of interferometric {SAR} data}, journal = {Photogrammetric Record}, year = {2003}, month = dec, volume = {18}, number = {104}, pages = {308-324}, available = {pdf,photocopy} } @article{mogi58, key = {defo modeling anderson36 subsidence}, author = {K Mogi}, title = {Relations between Eruptions of Various Volcanoes and the Deformations of the Ground Surfaces around them}, journal = {Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo}, year = {1958}, volume = {36}, pages = {99-134}, available = {- partial photocopy RH} } % mogi applied mathematical solution of yamakawa55 @article{anderson36, key = {defo modeling mogi mogi58 subsidence}, author = {E M Anderson}, title = {The dynamics of the formation of cone-sheets, ring-dykes, and caldron subsidence}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh}, year = {1936}, volume = {56}, pages = {128-157}, available = {-} }% anderson found solution for point center of dilatation in elastic % half space, but did not apply results to deformation measurements @article{yamakawa55, key = {defo modeling mogi 58 anderson36 subsidence}, author = {N Yamakawa}, title = {On the strain produced in a semi-infinite elastic solid by an interior source of stress}, journal = {Journal of the Seismic Society of Japan}, year = {1955}, volume = {8}, pages = {84-98}, available = {-} } % mogi applied mathematical solution of yamakawa55 @article{mctigue87, key = {mogi derivation hankel lipshitz from segall notes}, author = {D F McTigue}, title = {Elastic stress and deformation near a finite spherical magma body: Resolution of the point source paradox}, journal = JGR, year = 1987, month = nov, volume = 92, pages = {12931-12940}, available = {-} } @article{mcintosh90, key = {gaussian cor function too much weight for short distances, not enough weight for long distances}, author = {P C McIntosh}, title = {Oceanographic data interpolation: Objective analysis and splines}, journal = JGR, year = 1990, volume = 95, pages = {13529-13541}, available = {-} } @article{montiguarnieri99a, key = {sar ers differential dem accuracy scansar}, author = {A Monti Guarnieri and F Rocca}, title = {Combination of Low- and High-Resolution {SAR} Images for Differential Interferometry}, journal = TGARS, year = {1999}, month = jul, volume = {37}, number = {4}, pages = {2035-2049}, url = {http://www.elet.polimi.it/upload/monti/papers/montiguarnieri99a.pdf}, mailto = {monti@elet.polimi.it}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{montiguarnieri99c, key = {topo statistics fractals baseline dem}, author = {Andrea Monti Guarnieri and Paolo Biancardi and Davide D'Aria and Fabio Rocca}, title = {Accurate and robust baseline estimation}, booktitle = fringe99, year = {1999}, publisher = {ESA}, mailto = {monti@elet.polimi.it}, available = {-amg} } @inproceedings{montiguarnieri99b, key = {mse wiener scansar}, author = {Andrea Monti Guarnieri and Fabio 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mailto = {vanhalsema@fel.tno.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{halsema96, key = {insr mov delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Erik van Halsema and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Radar Interferometry: A New Tool for Accurate Height Modelling}, journal = {Geomatics Info Magazine}, year = 1996 , month = jan, volume = 10, number = 1, pages = {27-31}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/halsema96.pdf}, mailto = {vanhalsema@fel.tno.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @book{haltiner57, key = {meteo tropo atmo wv virtual temperature}, author = {George J Haltiner and Frank L Martin}, title = {Dynamical and Physical Meteorology}, year = {1957}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, address = {New York}, available = {partial photocopy} } @article{hamaker78, key = {atmos}, author = {J P Hamaker}, title = {Atmospheric delay fluctuations with scale sizes greater than one kilometer, observed with a radio interferometer array}, journal = RS, year = {1978}, month = sep, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {873-891}, 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@inproceedings{hanssen99c, key = {stochastic insar atmos structure function delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen}, title = {An improved stochastic model for multi-pass radar interferometry}, booktitle = {2nd International Symposium on Operationalization of Remote Sensing, Enschede, The Netherlands,}, year = {1999}, month = aug # {-16}, pages = {9 pages}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99c.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen98k, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and S Lehner and I Weinreich}, title = {Tropospheric influence on {SAR} phase and amplitude observations}, booktitle = itg98, year = 1998, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen98c, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {R Hanssen and R Klees}, title = {Error analysis for repeat-pass {SAR} interferometry: applications for deformation analysis.}, booktitle = piers98, year = 1998, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen03d, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Steven Businger}, title = {Water Vapor Distribution Mapping over {Mauna Loa, Hawaii}, Using Multi-Pass Radar Interferometry}, booktitle = piers03, year = 2003, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy abstract} } @article{saberi08, key = {dijken insar hansjebrinker delftsar media rfh_oth}, author = {Samir Saberi}, title = {Lokal stijgt de {Limburgse} bodem met 5~mm per jaar}, year = 2008, month = sep # {-13}, volume = {17}, pages = {5}, journal = {Technisch Weekblad}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/saberi08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{barends08b, key = {dijken insar hansjebrinker betoog voor monitoring}, author = {F Barends}, title = {Het kan toch misgaan; ook de sterkste dijk kennen we niet door en door}, year = 2008, volume = {17}, pages = {62-63}, journal = {De Ingenieur}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/barends08b.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{crosetto08, key = {geodesy insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {M Crosetto and O Monserrat and C Bremmer and R Hanssen and R Capes and S Marsh}, title = {Ground motion monitoring using {SAR} interferometry: Quality assessment}, year = 2008, volume = {submitted}, pages = {7}, journal = {European Geologist}, url = {http://www.eurogeologists.de}, available = {pdf} } @article{hanssen04, key = {atmo geodesy insar delftsar rfh_ed}, author = {R Hanssen and A Walpersdorf and K.-P. Johnsen and H van der Marel and U Foelsche}, title = {Probing the Atmosphere with Geodetic Techniques}, year = 2004, volume = 29, number = {2-3}, pages = {137-286}, journal = {Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, url = {http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pce}, available = {pdf} } @article{hanssen04c, key = {atmo geodesy insar delftsar rfh_ed}, author = {R Hanssen}, title = {Probing the Atmosphere with Geodetic Techniques, Editorial}, year = 2004, volume = 29, number = {2-3}, pages = {137}, journal = {Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen04c.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen98d, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R Hanssen and S Lehner and I Weinreich}, title = {Atmospheric Heterogeneities from - {ERS} tandem {SAR} Interferometry and Sea Surface Images}, booktitle = ceos98, year = 1998, pages = {33-39}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen98d.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{denboer07, key = {delftsar rfh_oth}, author = {Adri den Boer}, title = {Kansen voor 'Geomatica in waterbeheer'}, year = 2007, volume = 3, number = 2, pages = {32-34}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/denboer07.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf} } @article{hanssen06a, key = {column precision delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Hou het effe simpel (column)}, year = 2006, volume = 3, number = 2, pages = {75}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen06a.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf} } @article{hanssen06f, key = {column delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Wetenschap moet minder gestimuleerd worden (column)}, year = 2006, volume = 3, number = {7/8}, pages = {317}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen06f.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{hanssen06g, key = {column delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {B-plaatjes (column)}, year = 2006, volume = 3, number = {12}, pages = {537}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen06g.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{hanssen07c, key = {column delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Deja vu en intrinsiek besturen (column)}, year = 2007, volume = 4, number = {1}, pages = {9}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen07c.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{hanssen07d, key = {dijken insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Freek van Leijen and F Dentz and L van Halderen and B Possel and S Esfahany and C Slobbe and T Wortel}, title = {Satellite dike monitoring: safety checks from space}, year = 2007, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {18-19}, journal = {Leonardo Times}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen07d.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{zwieten08b, key = {earthquake insar delftsar rfh_art}, author = {G J van Zwieten and M A Gutierrez and R F Hanssen}, title = {Measuring earthquakes from space; towards a better understanding of Earth crustal deformation}, year = 2008, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {12-13}, journal = {Leonardo Times}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/zwieten08b.pdf}, mailto = {g.j.vanzwieten@tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{hanssen07e, key = {column delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {De doos van {Pandora}}, year = 2007, volume = 4, number = {6}, pages = {257}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen07e.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @article{hanssen07f, key = {column delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Het ene onderzoek is het andere niet}, year = 2007, volume = 4, number = {12}, pages = {471}, journal = {Geo-Info}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen07f.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {pdf photocopy} } @unpublished{hanssen06b, key = {insar defo offsetsdelftsar rfh}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Displacement vector decomposition}, organization = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {2006}, note = {Internal technical notes}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen06b.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @article{nauta08, key = {rem sens gini delftsar rfh_artvak}, author = {Aukjen Nauta}, title = {Wat bodemdaling laat zien over een gasveld; Inversie: achteruit modelleren}, journal = {Geo.brief}, year = 2008, volume = {33}, number = {8}, month = dec, pages = {6-7}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/nauta08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{dentz08a, key = {rem sens archeology delftsar rfh_artvak}, author = {Frank Dentz and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Het gebruik van Remote Sensing voor archeologie; Een onderzoek naar vroege ijzerproductielocaties in de {Jordaan} Vallei}, journal = {GeoInfo}, year = 2008, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {188-193}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/dentz08a.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{lammers08, key = {rem sens delftsar hansjebrinker}, author = {Olaf Lammers}, title = {Twee jonge bedrijven winnen {DigiDijkprijs RWS}: Chiptechnologie en satellietwaarnemingen ingezet voor dijkbewaking}, journal = {Otar, Vakblad voor managers beheer en onderhoud infrastructuur}, year = 2008, volume = {89}, number = {April}, pages = {4-7}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lammers08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @article{attema07, key = {insar delftsar rfh_artvak}, author = {Evert Attema and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {New operational radar remote sensing satellites for {GMES}: How to vote for the satellite you need?}, journal = {GeoInformatics}, year = 2007, month = mar, volume = 10, number = 2, pages = {40-43}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/attema07.pdf}, available = {pdf and original from journal} } @article{attema07a, key = {insar }, author = {Evert Attema and Pierre Bargellini and Peter Edwards and Guido Levrini and Svein Lokas and Ludwig Moeller and Betlem Rosich-Tell and Patrizia Secchi and Ramon Torres and Malcolm Davidson and Paul Snoeij}, title = {{Sentinel-1} --- the radar mission for {GMES} operational land and sea services}, journal = {ESA Bulletin}, month = aug, year = 2007, number = 131, pages = {10-17}, available = {pdf} } @article{schokking04, key = {defo subsidence}, author = {F Schokking}, title = {Bodemdaling erger dan broeikaseffect; Risico's op versnelde daling langs {Nederlandse} kust}, journal = {Land en Water}, year = 2004, month = nov, number = 11, pages = {2-3}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {schokking04.pdf} } @inproceedings{nitti08, key = {insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {D O Nitti and R F Hanssen and A Refice and F Bovenga and G Milillo and R Nutricato}, title = {Evaluation of {DEM}-assisted {SAR} coregistration}, year = {2008}, booktitle= spie08, pages = {1-14}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/nitti08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{meadows94, key = {sar calibration}, author = {P J Meadows}, title = {The calibration of the {ERS-1} synthetic aperture radar using {UK-PAF} imagery}, year = {1994}, booktitle= earsel94, pages = {423-430}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{meadows01, key = {sar calibration}, author = {P J Meadows and H Laur and B Rosisch and B Sch{\"a}ttler}, title = {THE {ERS-1 SAR} PERFORMANCE: A FINAL UPDATE}, booktitle = ceos01, year = 2001, pages = {8}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{meadows03, key = {sar calibration}, author = {P J Meadows and B Rosisch}, title = {THE {ERS-2 SAR} PERFORMANCE: THE 2003 UPDATE}, booktitle = ceos03, year = 2003, pages = {14}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{meadows98, key = {sar calibration}, author = {P J Meadows and H Laur and B Sch{\"a}ttler}, title = {The Calibration of {ERS SAR} Imagery for Land Applications}, booktitle = bio98, year = 1998, pages = {35-42}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen98f, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R Hanssen and S Lehner and I Weinreich}, title = {Atmospheric Heterogeneities from - {ERS} tandem {SAR} Interferometry and Sea Surface Images}, booktitle = {CEOS SAR Workshop, 3-6 Feb 1998, collection of handouts}, year = 1998 , mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen98b, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R Hanssen and H Zebker and R Klees and S Barlag}, title = {On the use of meteorological observations in {SAR} interferometry}, booktitle = igarss98, year = 1998 , pages = {1644-1646}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen98b.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @incollection{hanssen02e, key = {delftsar insar defo rfh_inbook}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen}, editor = {F B J Barends and F Kenselaar and F H Schr\"oder}, booktitle = {Bodemdaling meten in {Nederland}. Hoe precies moet het? Hoe moet het precies}, title = {Geodetische toevalsnetwerken: Ontwikkelingen in deformatiemetingen met satelliet-radarinterferometrie en de permanent-scatterers-methode}, year = {2002}, publisher = {Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie}, address = {Delft}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen02e.pdf}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {book} } @incollection{duquesnoy02, key = {defo sodm staatstoezicht mijnen}, author = {A J H M Duquesnoy}, editor = {F B J Barends and F Kenselaar and F H Schr\"oder}, booktitle = {Bodemdaling meten in {Nederland}. Hoe precies moet het? Hoe moet het precies}, title = {Wettelijke voorschriften en normering bij de meting v an bodembewegingen als gevolg van delfstoffenwinning}, year = {2002}, publisher = {Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie}, address = {Delft}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/duquesnoy02.pdf}, note = {in Dutch}, available = {book} } @incollection{hanssen00c, key = {delftsar insar atmos rfh_inbook}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, booktitle = {Lustrumboek L.G. Snellius 2000}, title = {Atmosfeerinvloeden en fractale dimensie}, year = {2000}, publisher = {Snellius}, note = {in Dutch} } @inproceedings{hanssen00d, key = {defo izmit insar rfh_abspos}, author = {R Hanssen and R Riva and B Vermeersen and K Aoudia and R Sabadini}, title = {Coseismic Deformation of the 17.8.1999, {Izmit}, {Turkey} Earthquake from Spherical and Half-Space Modeling and Satellite Radar Interferometry ({SAR}) Imaging}, booktitle = {AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA}, year = 2000, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {abstract} } @inproceedings{hanssen01c, key = {insar ambiguity resolution lambda delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and P J G Teunissen and P Joosten}, title = {Phase Ambiguity Resolution For Stacked Radar Interferometric Data}, booktitle = kiss01, year = 2001, pages = {317-320}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen01c.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @inproceedings{hanssen02, key = {sar atmo delftsar rfh_pos}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Freek van Leijen}, title = {Modeling and spatial interpolation of tropospheric signal delay for space-geodetic observations based on {GPS} time series analysis}, booktitle = egs02, year = {2002}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen02.pdf}, available = {original} } @inproceedings{hanssen08h, key = {sar atmo delftsar rfh_pos}, author = {R F Hanssen and M Caro Cuenca and F van Leijen and P Marinkovic and G J van Zwieten and M Arikan}, title = {One man's noise is the other man's music; using satellite radar interferometry for ground movement estimation}, booktitle = egu08, year = {2008}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen08h.pdf}, available = {original} } @inproceedings{hanssen09, key = {sar atmo delftsar rfh_pos}, author = {R F Hanssen and A J Hooper}, title = {On the contribution of the {Sentinel-1} mission for the solid earth sciences}, booktitle = egu09, year = {2009}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen09.pdf}, available = {original} } @article{hanssen02a, key = {insr mov delftsar permanent scatterers rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Alessandro Ferretti}, title = {Deformation Monitoring by Satellite Radar Interferometry: Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting Feasibility}, journal = {GIM International}, year = 2002, month = sep, volume = 16, number = 9, pages = {52-57}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen02a.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{abidin05, key = {insar mov defo subsidence}, author = {Hasan Abidin}, title = {Land Subsidence in Urban Areas of {Indonesia}: Suitability of Leveling, {GPS} and {InSAR} for Monitoring}, journal = {GIM International}, year = 2005, month = jul, volume = 19, number = 7, pages = {12-15}, url = {}, mailto = {hzabidin@gd.itb.ac.id}, available = {orig pdf} } @inproceedings{abidin05a, key = {insar land subsidence groundwater extraction}, author = {Hasanuddin Z Abidin and Rochman Djaja and H Andreas and M Gamal and K Hirose and Y Maruyama and C Subarya}, title = {Land subsidence in {Jakarta (Indonesia)} as detected by leveling, {GPS} survey and {InSAR} techniques}, booktitle = sisols05, year = {2005}, editor = {Z Agen and G Shiliang and L Carbognin and A I Johnson}, publisher = {Shanghai Scientific \& Technical Publishers}, pages = {469-479}, volume = {2}, available = {original}, mailto = {hzabidin@gd.itb.ac.id} } @article{abidin01, key = {insar land subsidence groundwater extraction}, author = {Hasanuddin Z Abidin and Rochman Djaja and Dudy Darmawan and Samsul Hadi and Arifin Akbar and H Rajiyowiryono and Y Sudibyo and I Meilano and M A Kasuma and J Kahar and Cecep Subarya}, title = {Land Subsidence of {Jakarta} ({Indonesia}) and its Geodetic Monitoring System}, journal = {Natural Hazards}, year = {2001}, pages = {365-387}, volume = {23}, number = {2/3}, available = {-}, mailto = {hzabidin@gd.itb.ac.id} } @inproceedings{hirose01, key = {insar land subsidence groundwater extraction jakarta}, author = {Kazuyo Hirose and Yuichi Maruyama and Dodid Murdihardono and Asep Effendi and Hasanuddin Z Abidin}, title = {Land subsidence detection using {JERS-1 SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle = {22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 5--9 Nov 2001, Singapore}, year = {2001}, pages = {6}, available = {pdf hirose01} } @article{hanssen02b, key = {insr mov delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Geodetische toevalsnetwerken: ontwikkelingen in deformatiemetingen met satelliet-radarinterferometrie en de permanent-scatters-methode}, journal = {Jaarverslag 2001 Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie}, year = 2002, month = sep, pages = {45-55}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen02b.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{hanssen02c, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_techrep}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {{SAR} Interferometry for Bio- and Geo-Physical Retrievals. Literature Review - Atmosphere}, institution = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {2002}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, note = {Report for the European Space Agency}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{rott04, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_techrep}, author = {Helmut Rott and Thomas Nagler and Ramon Hanssen and Dmitri Moisseev and Nico Adam and Michael Eineder and Bert Kampes and Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos P Papathanassiou and Shane R Claude}, title = {The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar ({SAR}) Interferometry to Retrieve Bio- and Geo-Physical variables}, institution = {ENVEO}, year = {2004}, address = {Innsbruck, Austria}, note = {European Space Agency Study Contract report ESA Contract Nr. 16366/02/NL/MM}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/rott04.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @techreport{arnaud04, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_techrep}, author = {Alain Arnaud and Josep Closa and Ramon Hanssen and Nico Adam and Michael Eineder and Jordi Inglada and Geraldine Fitoussi and Bert Kampes}, title = {Development of algorithms for the Exploitation of {ERS}-{Envisat} using the Stable Points Network}, institution = {Altamira Information}, year = {2004}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, note = {submitted European Space Agency Study Contract report ESA Contract Nr. 16702/02/I-LG}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{adam07, key = {insar terrafirma ps}, author = {Nico Adam and Alessandro Parizzi}, title = {Specification of validation approach. Part1: Process validation}, year = {2007}, note = {European Space Agency Study Contract report, GMES, Terrafirma, ESA Contract Nr.\ 19366/05/I-E}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{adam08, key = {insar terrafirma ps}, author = {Nico Adam and Alessandro Parizzi}, title = {Validation of existing processing chains in TerraFirma stage2: Process analysis report}, year = {2008}, note = {European Space Agency Study Contract report, GMES, Terrafirma, ESA Contract Nr.\ 19366/05/I-E}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen02d, key = {insar defo delftsar perm scat rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Alessandro Ferretti}, title = {Parameter estimation in {PS-InSAR} deformation studies using integer least-squares techniques}, journal = {EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G62A-06}, year = {2002}, volume = 83, number = 47, pages = {F37}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen02d.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @book{hanssen94, key = {radon altimetry rfh_techrep}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {The Application of Radon transformation for improved analysis of sparsely sampled data: a feasibility study}, year = 1994, publisher = {Faculty of Geodetic Engineering, Rep.93.1, Delft University of Technology, Delft}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @article{reeves95, key = {3D visualization potential field hanssen rfh_art}, crossref= {sides95}, author = {Colin Reeves and Sally Barritt and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Potential field interpretation: can {3D} visualization help solve the non-uniqueness problem?}, pages = {152-154}, available = {reprint} } @inproceedings{refice02, key = {insar process least squares defo permanent scatterers}, author = {A Refice and F Bovenga and S Stramaglia and D Conte}, title = {Use of scaling information for stochastic atmospheric absolute phase screen retrieval}, booktitle = igarss02, year = 2002, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{hanssen95, key = {sar insr difsr delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {{SAR} preparatory study}, institution = {Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Geodetic Engineering}, year = 1995, note = {Internal report}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen96, key = {atmos gps gisare delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {{GISARE: GPS} metingen voor de schatting van atmosferische parameters}, journal = {GPS Nieuwsbrief}, year = {1996}, month = jun, volume = 11, number = 1, pages = {17-21}, note = {In Dutch}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen96.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @manual{hanssen97a, key = {sar insar principle vlbi delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Geodetic applications of {SAR} interferometry: lecture notes colloquium{ Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen}}, organization = {Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research}, year = {1997}, month = feb, address = {Delft}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{hanssen98g, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_techrep}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Assessment of the role of Atmospheric heterogeneities in {ERS} tandem {SAR} interferometry}, institution = {Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research}, year = {1998}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, note = {Report for the European Space Agency}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @book{hanssen98i, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_book}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Atmospheric heterogeneities in {ERS} tandem {SAR} interferometry}, year = {1998}, publisher = {Delft University Press}, address = {Delft, the Netherlands}, pages = {136}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen98i.html}, available = {book} } %series = {DEOS Report 98.1}, note = {{ISBN: 90-407-1774-5}}, @misc{hanssen98j, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {{SAR} meteorology: radar interferometry for monitoring fine-scale water vapor distribution}, year = {1998}, month = dec, howpublished = {Video tape, Stanford Univ. 60 min.}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{hanssen03e, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {How to convert columnar water vapor, in g/cm$^2$, to delay in mm?}, year = {2003}, howpublished = {Short technical note}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen03e.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @book{hanssen01, key = {insar defo atmos delftsar rfh_book}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Radar Interferometry: Data Interpretation and Error Analysis}, year = {2001}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Dordrecht}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } %note = {{ISBN: 0-7923-6945-9}} Kluwer Academic Publishers % url = {http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/detail/-/books/0792369459/glance/ref=dpr_sdp_bb/102-6255647-1210555}, @book{hanssen05, key = {insar defo atmos delftsar rfh_book}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Radar Interferometry: Data Interpretation and Error Analysis}, year = {2005, in preparation}, edition = 2, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, mailto = {hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @phdthesis{hanssen01a, key = {insar defo atmos delftsar rfh_thesis}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen}, title = {Radar Interferometry: Data Interpretation and Error Analysis}, year = {2001}, school = {Delft University of Technology}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } %note = {{ISBN: 90-73235-43-X}} @article{hanssen98e, key = {insar defo cerro delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Falk Amelung and Howard Zebker}, title = {Geodetic interpretation of land subsidence measurements at the {Cerro Prieto} geothermal field monitored by radar interferometry}, journal = {EOS Transactions, AGU}, year = {1998}, month = nov # {-10}, volume = 79, number = 45, pages = {F37}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen99b, key = {insar, coherence, interpolation, phase errors delftsar rfh_refer}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Richard Bamler}, title = {Evaluation of Interpolation Kernels for {SAR} Interferometry}, journal = TGARS, year = {1999}, month = jan, volume = 37, number = 1, pages = {318-321}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99b.html}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {reprint,hanssen99b.pdf} } @article{nagler00, key = {snow sar }, author = {Thomas Nagler and Helmut Rott}, title = {Retrieval of wet snow by means of multitemporal {SAR} data}, journal = TGARS, year = {2000}, month = mar, volume = 38, number = 2, pages = {754 -765}, available = {nagler00.pdf} } @article{neyman33, key = {neyman pearson principle statistic testing theory}, author = {J Neyman and E S Pearson}, title = {On the problem of the most efficient tests of statistical hypotheses}, journal = {Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society London, Series A}, volume = {231}, year = {1933}, pages = {289-337}, available = {-} } @article{nelder65, key = {nonlinear parameter estimation downhill simplex}, author = {J A Nelder and R Mead}, title = {Downhill simplex method}, journal = {Computer Journal}, volume = {7}, year = {1965}, pages = {308-312}, available = {-} } @article{scheiber00, key = {insar scansar coreg }, author = {Rolf Scheiber and Alberto Moreira}, title = {Coregistration of interferometric {SAR} images using spectral diversity}, journal = TGARS, year = {2000}, month = sep, volume = 38, number = 5, pages = {2179 -2191}, available = {scheiber00.pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen98, key = {insar atmos defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Applications of {SAR} interferometry in terrestrial and atmospheric mapping}, booktitle = {Workshop proceedings European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, 9 October}, organization = {European Microwave Conference}, year = {1998}, editor = {L P Ligthart}, publisher = {Miller Freeman}, pages = {43-50}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen98.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen99e, key = {insar CLARA gps delay atmos water vapor delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Tammy M Weckwerth}, title = {Evaluation of spatial moisture distribution during {CLARA 96} using spaceborne radar interferometry}, booktitle = {Remote Sensing of cloud parameters: retrieval and validation. 21-22 Oct 1999, Delft, The Netherlands}, year = {1999}, pages = {15-20}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99e.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen99, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_refer}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Tammy M Weckwerth and Howard A Zebker and Roland Klees}, title = {High-Resolution Water Vapor Mapping from Interferometric Radar Measurements}, journal = {Science}, year = 1999, month = feb # {-26}, volume = {283}, pages = {1295-1297}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {reprint} } @inproceedings{hanssen96a, key = {atmos insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Arnout Feijt}, title = {A first quantitative evaluation of atmospheric effects on {SAR} interferometry}, booktitle = fringe96, year = {1996}, publisher = {ESA SP-406}, pages = {277-282}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen96a.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @conference{dermanis91, key = {mathematical geodesy calculus of observations testing geostat adjustment}, author = {A Dermanis and D Rossikopoulos}, title = {Statistical Inference in Integrated Geodesy}, booktitle = {IUGG XX General Assembly}, year = {1991}, pages = {B.63}, available = {pdf} } @conference{hanssen99f, key = {meteosat gps sar atmo tropo rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Arnout Feijt and Roland Klees}, title = {Evaluation of water vapor observations using {SAR}, {GPS}, and {Meteosat}}, booktitle = {IUGG XX General Assembly}, year = {1999}, pages = {B.63}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen01b, key = {insar atmos tropos delftsar rfh_refer}, author = {Ramon F Hanssen and Arnout J Feijt and Roland Klees}, title = {Comparison of Precipitable Water Vapor Observations by Spaceborne Radar Interferometry and {Meteosat} 6.7-$\mu$m Radiometry}, journal = JAOT, year = {2001}, month = may, volume = 18, number = 5, pages = {756-764}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen01b.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {orig} } % previously listed as hanssen99g @inproceedings{hanssen00b, key = {atmos tropos delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Bert Kampes}, title = {On the treatment of radar interferometry in terms of geodetic adjustment and testing theory}, booktitle = igarss00, year = 2000, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen00b.html}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original+poster} } @inproceedings{hanssen97c, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Signal propagation heterogeneities in {SAR} interferometry}, booktitle = {Geod\"atische Woche 1997,}, organization = {Technische Universit\"at, Berlin}, year = {1997}, month = oct, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen97d, key = {insar atmos defo delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Land Subsidence Monitoring with {SAR} Interferometry: Assessment of the Atmospheric Errors}, journal = {EOS Transactions, AGU}, year = 1997 , month = nov # {-18}, volume = 78, number = 46, pages = {F144}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{hanssen98a, key = {insar atmos tropos pwv delftsar rfh_abspos}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Refractivity maps obtained by radar interferometry}, year = {1998}, howpublished = {UNAVCO Annual Meeting, 11-13 May, Boulder CO}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen98h, key = {insar atmos delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Radar interferometric mapping of geophysical signal: imaging or point positioning?}, booktitle = {Geod\"atische Woche 1998}, organization = {Universit\"at Kaiserslautern, Germany}, year = {1998}, month = oct # {-14}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen99h, key = {atmos insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {An empirical model for the assessment of {DEM} accuracy degradation due to vertical atmospheric stratification}, booktitle = fringe99, year = {1999}, publisher = {ESA}, pages = {1-5}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99h.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{hanssen99i, key = {insar accuracy atmo tropo vertical stratification covariance structure function toeplitz delftsar rfh_abspos}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Accuracy assessment of repeat-pass radar interferometry for topographic mapping and deformation analysis}, year = {1999}, month = nov # {-19}, howpublished = {VMSG Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99i.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen99j, key = {atmos insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Roland Klees}, title = {Development of a stochastic model for repeat-pass {SAR} interferometry}, booktitle = fringe99, year = {1999}, publisher = {ESA}, pages = {1-5}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99j.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hanssen97b, key = {sar insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Stefania Usai}, title = {Interferometric phase analysis for monitoring slow deformation processes}, booktitle = florence97, year = {1997}, pages = {487-491}, series = {ESA SP-414}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen97b.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen00, key = {insar defo izmit delftsar rfh_art}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Bert Vermeersen and Remko Scharroo and Bert Kampes and Stefania Usai and R\"udiger Gens and Roland Klees}, title = {Deformatiepatroon van de aardbeving van 17 augustus 1999 in {Turkije} gemeten met satelliet radar interferometrie}, journal = {Remote Sensing Nieuwsbrief}, year = {2000}, month = feb, volume = {90}, pages = {42-44}, note = {In Dutch}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen00.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @misc{hanssen99k, key = {insar defo izmit delftsar rfh_abspos}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Bert Vermeersen and Remko Scharroo and Bert Kampes and Stefania Usai and R\"udiger Gens and Roland Klees}, title = {Deformation pattern of the {Ms 7.5, 17 August 1999}, {Kocaeli} earthquake observed by satellite radar interferometry}, year = {1999}, month = nov # {-19}, howpublished = {VMSG Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99k.gif}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @unpublished{hanssen99l, key = {insar defo izmit delftsar rfh_techrep}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Bert Vermeersen and Remko Scharroo and Bert Kampes and Stefania Usai and R\"udiger Gens and Roland Klees}, title = {Deformation pattern of the {17 August 1999}, {Turkey} earthquake observed by satellite radar interferometry}, year = {1999}, month = dec, note = {Web publication}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen99l.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {original} } @article{hanssen00a, key = {insar atmos intensity phase delftsar; History of geophysics; Atmospheric sciences; Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; Boundary layer processes; Radio science; Interferometry rfh_refer}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Ilona Weinreich and Susanne Lehner and Ad Stoffelen}, title = {Tropospheric wind and humidity derived from spaceborne radar intensity and phase observations}, journal = GRL, year = {2000}, month = jun # {-15}, volume = {27}, number = {12}, pages = {1699-1702}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen00a.html}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {reprints} } @inproceedings{hara93, key = {sar clas jrs1}, author = {Yoshihisa Hara and Makoto Ono}, title = {Analysis of {JERS-1} {SAR} Imagery}, booktitle = igarss93, year = 1993 , pages = {1191-1193}, available = {photocopy} } @book{dejong2002, key = {hydrography oceanography tides law coordinate systems wave propagation underwater acoustics positioning sounding}, editor = {C D de Jong and G Lachapelle and S Skone and I A Elema}, title = {Hydrography}, year = {2002}, publisher = {Delft University Press}, address = {Delft}, available = {origRH} } @book{roobol04, key = {saba volcano eustatius defo van hinte}, author = {M John Roobol and Alan L Smith}, title = {Volcanology of {Saba} and {St.\ Eustatius}, {Northern} {Lesser} {Antilles}}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen}, address = {Amsterdam}, available = {pdf } } @book{hargreaves79, key = {iono wave propagation refractivity phase group velocity appletonhartree}, author = {J K Hargreaves}, title = {The Upper Atmosphere and Solar-Terrestrial Relations}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Van Nostrand Reinold}, address = {New York}, available = {Library TUD-LR:1723899} } @article{hartl94d, key = {insr difsr ers1 ice}, author = {Ph Hartl and K -H Thiel and X Wu and Ch Doake and J Sievers}, title = {Application of {SAR} Interferometry with {ERS-1} in the {A}ntarctic}, journal = EOQ, year = 1994, month = mar, pages = {1-4}, volume = 43, available = {photocopy} } @article{hartl91, key = {insr ers1 dem phaserr baserr}, author = {Philipp Hartl}, title = {Application of Interferometric {SAR}-Data of the {ERS-1} Mission for High Resolution Topographic Terrain Mapping}, journal = {GIS}, year = 1991 , volume = 2, pages = {8-14}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hartl93, key = {insr ers1 bonn corner difsr threed dem ice}, author = {Philipp Hartl and M Reich and Karl-Heinz Thiel and Y Xia}, title = {{SAR} interferometry applying {ERS-1}: some preliminary test results}, booktitle = cannes92, year = 1993, month = mar , pages = {219-222}, series = {ESA SP-359}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hartl93a, key = {insr ers1 phase unwrapping dem}, author = {Philipp Hartl and Karl-Heinz Thiel}, title = {{Bestimmung von topographischen Feinstrukturen mit interferometrischem ERS-1-SAR}}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung}, year = 1993 , volume = 3, pages = {108-114}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hartl94a, key = {insr difsr ice ers1 dem}, author = {Philipp Hartl and Karl-Heinz Thiel and Xiaoqing Wu}, title = {Information extraction from {ERS-1 SAR} data by means of {INSAR} and {D-INSAR} techniques in {Antarctic} research}, booktitle = hamburg93, year = 1994, month = jan , pages = {697-701}, series = {ESA SP-361}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hartl94b, key = {insr corr dem ers1 difsr ice mov grmod}, author = {Philipp Hartl and Karl-Heinz Thiel and Xiaoqing Wu and Y Xia}, title = {Practical application of {SAR}-Interferometry; experiences made by the Institute of Navigation}, booktitle = hamburg93, year = 1994, month = jan , pages = {717-722}, series = {ESA SP-361}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{hartl94c, key = {insr ers1 phase unwrapping}, author = {Philipp Hartl and Xiaoqing Wu}, title = {{SAR}-Interferometry; experiences with various phase unwrapping methods}, booktitle = hamburg93, year = 1994, month = jan , pages = {727-732}, series = {ESA SP-361}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hartl93b, key = {insr intpro difsr coreg corr dem}, author = {Philipp Hartl and Ye Xia}, title = {Besonderheiten der {Datenverarbeitung} bei der {SAR}-{Interferometrie}}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung}, year = 1993 , volume = 6, pages = {214-222}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{suchandt01, key = {srtm dem}, author = {S Suchandt and H Breit and N Adam and M Eineder and B Sch\"attler and H Runge and A Roth and E Mikusch}, title = {The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission}, booktitle = isprs01, organization = {ISPRS}, year = {2001}, month = sep, pages = {235-242}, mailto = {Steffen.Suchandt@dlr.de}, available = {photocopy} } @article{harris87, key = {geodesy modeling}, author = {Ruth A Harris and Paul Segall}, year = {1987}, title = {Detection of a Locked Zone at Depth on the {Parkfield, California}, Segment of the {San Andreas} Fault}, journal = JGR, volume = {92}, number = {B8}, pages = {7945-7962}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{egm96, key = {earth geodetic height model}, author = {National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and NASA}, title = {{GLOBAL HEIGHT MODEL - EGM 96}. http://www.nga.mil./geospatial/products/GandG/wgs-84/egm96.html}, year = 1996, url = {http://www.nga.mil./geospatial/products/GandG/wgs-84/egm96.html}, available = {webpage}, } @article{musson04, key = {seismology permanent scatterers}, author = {R M W Musson and M Haynes and A Ferretti}, title = {Space-based tectonic modeling in subduction areas using {PSInSAR}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, year = {2004}, volume = {75}, number = {5}, pages = {598-606}, available = {musson04.pdf} } @inproceedings{soergel04, key = {permanent scatterers high resolution airborne}, author = {U Soergel and U Thoennessen and U Stilla and A Brenner}, title = {New oppertunities for analysis of urban areas in high resolution {SAR} data}, booktitle = eusar04, year = 2004, pages = {415-418}, available = {soergel04.pdf} } @inproceedings{verbree04, key = {permanent scatterers gis delftsar rfh_proc}, author = {Edward Verbree and Ramon Hanssen and Swati Gehlot}, title = {{GIS}-supported satellite radar deformation monitoring: potential and requirements}, booktitle = {GIS symposium Gottingen}, year = 2004, pages = {8}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/verbree04.pdf}, available = {verbree04.pdf} } @article{strang80, key = {zwakra, mov, grmod, grav}, author = {G L Strang van Hees}, title = {Zwaartekrachtmetingen in het Groninger aardgasgevied}, journal = {NGT Geodesia}, year = {1980}, pages = {188-192}, note = {In Dutch}, available = {photocopy} } @book{strang88, key = {statistics algebra}, author = {Gilbert Strang}, title = {Linear algebra and its applications}, year = {1988}, edition = {3}, publisher = {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers}, address = {Fort Worth}, available = {book,amg} } @book{strangvanhees06, key = {geodesy reference frames}, author = {Govert {Strang van Hees}}, title = {Globale en Lokale Geodetische Systemen}, year = {2006}, edition = {4}, publisher = {Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie, KNAW}, address = {Delft}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/strangvanhees06.pdf}, available = {book pdf} } @phdthesis{riva04, key = {defo earthquake}, author = {Riccardo Emilio Maria Riva}, title = {Crustal rheology and postseismic deformation: modeling and application to the {Apennines}}, year = {2004}, school = {Delft University of Technology}, available = {pdf} } @book{heiskanen67, key = {potential field physical geodesy}, title = {Physical Geodesy}, year = {1967}, author = {Weikko A Heiskanen and Helmut Moritz}, publisher = {Freeman and Company}, address = {San Francisco}, edition = {2}, available = {book} } @article{hellsten87, key = {SAR inversion}, author = {Hans Hellsten and Lars E Andersson}, title = {An inverse method for the processing of synthetic aperture radar data}, journal = IP, year = {1987}, volume = {3}, pages = {111-124}, available = {-amg} } @incollection{hellwich99, key = {insar review topo defo atmo delftsar}, author = {Olaf Hellwich}, title = {{SAR} Interferometry: Principles, Processing, and Perspectives}, booktitle = {{Festschrift f\"ur Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Ebner zum 60. 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pages={cdrom}, url ={http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/arikan07a.pdf}, mailto = {M.Arikan[at]tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf} } @misc{gehlot06c, key = {insar gis defo delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Swati Gehlot and Zbigniew Perski and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Interpretation of {PS-InSAR} Data Using Web-based Interactive {GIS} Visualization Tool}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/gehlot0c.pdf}, mailto = {s.gehlot@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{perski06a, key = {insar defo glacier ice delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Zbigniew Perski and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Glacier Movement Measurements with Satellite Radar}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/perski06a.pdf}, mailto = {z.perski@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{ketelaar06a, key = {insar defo subsidence delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Gini Ketelaar and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Monitoring subsidence due to gas extraction in {Groningen} using Satellite Radar Interferometry}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/ketelaar06a.pdf}, mailto = {v.b.h.ketelaar@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{marinkovic06b, key = {insar defo corner reflectors delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Delft Corner Reflector experiment: {ERS-2}, {Envisat} and leveling validation}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic06b}, mailto = {p.s.marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{marinkovic06c, key = {insar defo doris delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar and Zbigniew Perski and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Delft Object-oriented Radar Interferometric Software}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic06c.pdf}, mailto = {p.s.marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{humme06, key = {insar defo salt veendam delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Astrid Humme and Gini Ketelaar and Zbigniew Perski and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Salt Mining Deformation {Veendam}}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/humme06.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{grebenitcharsky06, key = {insar gis defo delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R Grebenitcharsky and R Hanssen and P Ditmar}, title = {Joint analysis of historic leveling data and permanent {GPS} observations for subsidence determination over the {Netherlands}}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/grebenitcharsky06.pdf}, mailto = {r.grebenitcharsky@tudelft.nl}, available = {poster,abstract} } @misc{hanssen06c, key = {insar doris delftsar rfh_talk rfh_abs}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Gini Ketelaar and Zbigniew Perski and Petar Marinkovic and Freek van Leijen and Mahmut Arikan and Astrid Humme}, title = {Recent developments in geodetic deformation monitoring using satellite radar interferometry}, year = {2006}, howpublished = nac06, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {presentation,abstract} } @misc{kampes99a, key = {insar doris delftsar}, author = {Bert Kampes}, title = {Delft Object-oriented Radar Interferometric Software}, year = {1999}, month = nov # {-19}, howpublished = {VMSG Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/kampes99a.gif}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy,poster,abstract} } @misc{grebenitcharsky05a, key = {insar atmo tropo matern delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Rossen Grebenitcharsky and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Spatial modeling of atmospheric delays for {InSAR} and {GPS} sensors}, year = {2005}, month = sep # {-15}, howpublished = ems05, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/grebenitcharsky05a.pdf}, mailto = {r.grebenitcharsky@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy,poster,abstract} } @manual{kampes99b, key = {doris radar interferometric software delftsar}, author = {Bert Kampes}, title = {{Delft Object-Oriented Radar Interferometric Software}: Users manual and Technical Documentation}, organization = {Delft University of Technology}, year = {1999}, address = {Delft}, edition = {1.2}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/doris/usermanual/}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl} } @article{kampes00, key = {insar software doris delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Bert Kampes and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Delft public domain radar interferometric software: processing considerations and future strategies}, journal = {EOS Transactions, AGU}, year = {2000}, month = May # {-9}, volume = 81, number = 19, pages = {S162}, booktitle = {AGU Spring meeting, May 30-June 3, Washington, DC, USA,}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/kampes00.html}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{kampes01, key = {insr speck airsr intpro height corner noise delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Bert M Kampes and Ramon F Hanssen and Laurens M Th Swart}, title = {Strategies for non-linear deformation estimation from interferometric stacks}, booktitle = igarss01, year = 2001, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/kampes01.pdf}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{kampes01a, key = {insar stacking permanent scatterers vmsg delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {Bert Kampes and Ramon Hanssen and Rens Swart}, title = {Deformation monitoring with radar interferometry, Analysis of permanent scatterers in {Tianjin}, {China}}, year = {2001}, month = nov # {-19}, howpublished = {VMSG Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/kampes01a.gif}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{kampes03, key = {differential insar ps permanent scatterers delftsar}, author = {Bert M Kampes and Nico Adam}, title = {Velocity field retrieval from long term coherent points in radar interferometric stacks}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/kampes03.pdf}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @misc{hanssen04d, key = {insar doris delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R F Hanssen and F van Leijen and S Businger}, title = {Satellite radar interferometry for water vapor distribution monitoring: towards a meteorological product}, year = {2004}, howpublished = ems04, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen04d.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy,poster,abstract} } @misc{hanssen04e, key = {insar doris delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R F Hanssen and F van Leijen}, title = {Water Vapor Monitoring using {Envisat} Spectrometer and Radar Measurements}, year = {2004}, howpublished = ems04, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen04e.pdf}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy,poster,abstract} } @misc{bamler05, key = {insar terrasar permscat delftsar}, author = {Richard Bamler and Bert Kampes and Nico Adam and Steffen Suchandt}, title = {Assessment of Slow Deformations and Rapid Motions by Radar Interferometry}, year = {2005}, howpublished = {note}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{arnaud03, key = {differential insar ps permanent scatterers delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Alain Arnaud and Nico Adam and Ramon Hanssen and Jordi Inglada and Javier Duro and Josep Closa and Michael Eineder}, title = {{ASAR} {ERS} Interferometric Phase Continuity}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 3 pages}, mailto = {alain.arnaud@altamira-information.com}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/arnaud03.pdf}, available = {photocopy pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen03, key = {atmo insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ramon Hanssen and Dmitri Moisseev and Steven Businger}, title = {Resolving the acquisition ambiguity for atmospheric monitoring in multi-pass radar interferometry}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hanssen03.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @article{hanssen03c, key = {insar delftsar rfh_refer}, author = {Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Haphazard occurrences of reality: the link between opportunism, geodesy, and satellite radar interferometry}, journal = JOG, year = 2004, volume = {77}, number = {10-11}, pages = {686-688}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hommels03, key = {differential insar mudvolcanoes delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {A Hommels and K H Scholte and J Munoz-Sabater and R F Hanssen and F D van der Meer and S B Kroonenberg and E Aliyeva and D Huseynov and I Guliev}, title = {Preliminary {ASTER} and {INSAR} imagery combination for Mud Volcano Dynamics, {Azerbaijan}}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/hommels03.doc}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{lindenbergh03, key = {geostat laser deformation eolian delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Eolian deformation detection and modeling using airborne laser altimetry}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, mailto = {r.c.lindenbergh@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lindenbergh03.doc}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{lindenbergh06, key = {geostat meris atmo water vapor gps insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Maxim Keshin and Hans van der Marel and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Combining Water Vapor Data from {GPS} and {MERIS}}, booktitle = isprs06, year = 2006, pages = {6 pages}, mailto = {r.c.lindenbergh@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lindenbergh06.doc}, available = {pdf} } @article{lindenbergh08, key = {geostat meris atmo water vapor gps insar delftsar rfh_refer}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Maxim Keshin and Hans van der Marel and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {High resolution spatio-temporal water vapor mapping using {GPS} and {MERIS} observations}, journal = IJRS, year = 2008, pages = {2393-2409}, month = apr, volume = {29}, number = {8}, mailto = {r.c.lindenbergh@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lindenbergh08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{dinh08, key = {insar psi delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Ho Tong Minh Dinh and Le Van Trung and Francesco Sarti and Steffen Dransfeld and Fabio Rocca}, title = {Measuring Land Subsidence in {Ho Chi Minh City} by means of Radar Interferometry Techniques}, booktitle = gisideas08, year = 2008, pages = {10 pages}, mailto = {htmdinh@hcmut.edu.vn}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/dinh08.doc}, available = {pdf} } @article{huntley01, key = {phase unwrapping 3D}, author = {Jonathan M Huntley}, title = {Three-dimensional noise-immune phase unwrapping algorithm}, journal = AO, year = {2001}, month = aug, volume = {40}, number = {23}, pages = {3901-3908}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{lindenbergh06b, key = {geostat meris atmo water vapor gps insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Maxim Keshin and Hans van der Marel and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Kriging of spatial-temporal water vapor data}, booktitle = accuracy06, year = 2006, pages = {10 pages}, mailto = {r.c.lindenbergh@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/lindenbergh06b_preprint.doc}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{moisseev03, key = {insar atmo ps delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Dmitri Moisseev and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Influence of hydrometeors on {InSAR} observations}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, mailto = {d.moisseev@citg.tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/moisseev03.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{noomen98, key = {slr tectonics}, author = {R Noomen and J Loohuis and B M Kampes}, title = {3-d crustal motions in europe derived from {SLR} and {GPS}}, month = nov, year = {1998}, howpublished = {VMSG Symposium, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, } @inproceedings{moisseev03a, key = {insar atmo meris ps delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Dmitri Moisseev and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Towards and atmosphere-free interferogram; first comparison between {ENVISAT}'s {ASAR} and {MERIS} water vapor observations}, booktitle = igarss03, year = 2003, pages = {cdrom, 4 pages}, mailto = {d.moisseev@citg.tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/moisseev03a.pdf}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{kampes03a, key = {insar stacking permanent scatterers vmsg delftsar}, author = {Bert Kampes}, title = {Deformation at point scatterers in radar interferometry}, year = {2003}, month = may # {-19}, howpublished = {VMSG annual report, Utrecht, the Netherlands}, mailto = {kampes@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{kawai94, key = {insr ers1 jrs1 dem earthq}, author = {S Kawai and M Shimada}, title = {Detections of Earth Surface Deformation Change by means of {INSAR} technique}, booktitle = {paper presented at the 1st workshop on SAR interferometry, Tokyo, Japan, December 1994}, organization = {{NASDA}}, year = 1994 , available = {photocopy} } @book{kay88, key = {fourier, power spectral density power periodogram}, author = {Steven M Kay}, title = {Modern Spectral Estimation: theory and application}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, address = {Englewood Cliffs}, owner = {c 1674961 Geo: BA1109}, available = {-} } @book{kay93, key = {estimators statistics bayesian MMSE}, author = {Steven M Kay}, title = {Fundamentals of statistical signal processing}, year = 1993, month = Apr, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, volume = {Volume I. Estimation theory}, available = {-amg} } @techreport{kazovsky97, key = {fourier transform}, author = {Leonid Kazovsky}, title = {Fourier Transforms}, institution = SU, year = {1997}, address = SU-adr, note = {Supplemental class notes for EE 261, Spring course}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{lindenbergh04, key = {geostat rfh_techrep}, author = {Roderik Lindenbergh and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Geostatistical interpolation methods for detecting faults and gridding contour data}, institution = DUT, year = {2004}, address = {Delft}, note = {Technical Report Shell}, available = {photocopy} } @incollection{keydel92a, key = {sar image phaseth speck geff}, author = {W Keidel}, title = {Basic principles of {SAR}}, booktitle = agard182, year = 1992 , month = aug, publisher = {Agard}, address = {Neuilly-sur-Seine}, pages = {1/1--1/13}, series = {AGARD Lecture Series}, number = {182}, available = {photocopy} } @incollection{keydel92b, key = {sar geff mot image}, author = {W Keidel}, title = {SAR peculiarities, ambiguities and constraints}, booktitle = agard182, year = 1992 , month = aug, publisher = {Agard}, address = {Neuilly-sur-Seine}, pages = {2/1-2/10}, series = {AGARD Lecture Series}, number = {182}, available = {photocopy} } @article{keihm95, key = {topex altim atmos tropos radiom error}, author = {Stephen J Keihm and Michael A Jansen and Christopher S Ruf}, title = {TOPEX/Poseidon Microwave Radiometer (TMR): III. Wet Troposphere Range Correction Algorithm and Pre-Launch Error Budget}, journal = TGARS, year = {1995}, month = jan, volume = {33}, number = {1}, pages = {147-161}, available = {photocopy} } @book{kellogg29, key = {potential theory phase unwrapping conservative fields}, author = {Oliver Dimon Kellogg}, title = {Foundations of Potential Theory}, year = {1929}, publisher = {Frederick Ungar}, address = {New York}, available = {-} } @article{kelly84, key = {atmos tropos radar rols boundary layer}, author = {Robert D Kelly}, title = {Horizontal Roll and Boundary-Layer Interrelationships Observed over {Lake Michigan}}, journal = JAS, year = {1984}, month = jun, volume = {41}, number = {11}, pages = {1816-1826}, available = {photocopy} } @unpublished{kenyi95, key = {sar atmos}, author = {L W Kenyi and H Raggam}, title = {Feasibility of Atmospheric Effects in Interferometric Data and its Interpretation}, year = 1995, month = dec, note = {Final presentation for ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk}, available = {photocopy} } @article{kerr99, key = {hector mine earthquake stress triggering landers big bear}, author = {Richard A Kerr}, title = {Did One {California} Jolt Bring on Another?}, journal = {Science}, year = {1999}, month = oct, volume = {286}, pages = {656-657}, available = {photocopy} } @article{keshner82, key = {noise power law brownian PSD stationary autocorrelation}, author = {Marvin S Keshner}, title = {1/f Noise}, journal = PIEEE, year = {1982}, month = mar, volume = {70}, number = {3}, pages = {212-218}, available = {photocopy} } @article{keys81, key = {insar interpol coreg}, author = {Robert G Keys}, title = {Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image Processing}, journal = IAS, year = 1981 , month = dec, volume = {ASSP-29}, number = 6, pages = {1153-1160}, available = {photocopy} } @article{piacentini87, key = { sampling interpol coreg}, author = {M Piacentini and C Cafforio and F Rocca}, title = {Algorithms for image reconstruction after nonuniform sampling}, journal = IAS, year = 1987 , month = aug, volume = {35}, number = 8, pages = {1185 -1189}, available = {photocopy,piacentini87.pdf} } @inproceedings{kim98, key = {insar phase atmos iono}, author = {Yunjin Kim and Jakob van Zyl}, title = {Ionospheric Effects on Polarimetric and Interferometric Space-borne {SAR}}, booktitle = igarss98, year = 1998, pages = {472-474}, mailto = {ykim@delphi.jpl.nasa.gov}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{kimura95, key = {insr ers1 baserr basel appl}, author = {Hiroshi Kimura}, title = {A method to estimate baseline and platform altitude for {SAR} interferometry}, booktitle = igarss95, year = 1995 , pages = {199-201}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{kimura01, key = {insr ers1 baserr basel appl}, author = {Hiroshi Kimura and Hiroaki Kinoshita}, title = {Effect of tropospheric range delay corrections on differential {SAR} interferograms}, booktitle = igarss01, year = 2001 , pages = {1-3}, available = {bertphotocopy} } @article{king94, key = {defo earthquake tectonics stress trigger izmit}, author = {G C P King and R S Stein and J Lin}, title = {Static stress changes and the triggering of earthquakes}, journal = BSSA, year = {1994}, volume = {84}, pages = {935-953}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{klaus96, key = {raw}, author = {F Klaus and A Hein and O Loffeld}, title = {Use of SiSAR to Generate Interferometric SAR Raw data}, booktitle = eusar96, year = {1996}, pages = {185-188}, available = {photocopy} } @techreport{klees99a, key = {insar iag delftsar}, author = {R Klees}, title = {{SAR} Interferometry Technology}, institution = {IAG Special Study Group 2.160}, year = {1999}, month = jul, type = {Final report}, available = {photocopy}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/klees99a.html}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl} } @article{klees97, key = {radar sar insar dem defo delftsar rfh_artvak}, author = {R A P Klees and R F Hanssen and S Usai}, title = {{SAR}-Interferometrie (1): Een nieuwe geodetische techniek voor het bepalen van hoogten en hoogteveranderingen}, journal = {Geodesia}, year = {1997}, month = {april}, volume = {39}, number = {4}, pages = {155-162}, note = {In Dutch}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{klees97a, key = {radar sar insar dem defo delftsar rfh_artvak}, author = {R A P Klees and R F Hanssen and S Usai}, title = {{SAR}-Interferometrie (2): De interferometrische vervaardiging van digitale hoogtemodellen}, journal = {Geodesia}, year = {1997}, month = dec, volume = {39}, number = {12}, pages = {547-552}, note = {In Dutch}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{klees99, key = {sar defo delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {R Klees and R F Hanssen and F Amelung}, title = {Geothermal field deformation monitoring using radar interferometry}, booktitle = egs99, year = {1999}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/klees99.html}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{klees95a, key = {insar delftsar rfh_abs}, author = {Roland Klees and Ramon Hanssen and Erik van Halsema}, title = {{INSAR}: Theory and Applications}, year = {1995}, howpublished = {Symposium {L.G.~Snellius}, 29 November, Delft}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @article{klees98, key = {insar defo delftsar}, author = {Roland Klees and Didier Massonnet}, title = {Deformation measurements using {SAR} interferometry: potential and limitations}, journal = {Geologie en Mijnbouw}, year = {1999}, volume = {77}, pages = {161-176}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{klees01, key = {insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Roland Klees and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Basics of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry and Applications}, booktitle = {Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) Autumn School ``Nordic Geodesy towards the 21st century'', 28 August - 2 September 2000, Fevik, Norway}, year = {2000}, month = aug, type = {ISBN 82-7945-012-2, Statens kartverk, Geodetic Publications 2001:1}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/nkg_lecture_notes.ps}, pages = {169-211}, available = {orig}, mailto = {klees@tudelft.nl} } @article{kleijer00, key = {gps sar agrs hoogte atmos tropos}, author = {F Kleijer}, title = {{GPS}-hoogtemeting}, journal = {Geodesia}, year = {2000}, month = feb, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {63-67}, note = {In Dutch}, mailto = {kleijer@tudelft.nl}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{kleijer00a, key = {atmo tropo GPS mapping function bias wet dry}, author = {F Kleijer}, title = {Mapping function induced bias in tropospheric delay estimation using {GPS}}, booktitle = {Cost Action 176 Workshop Toward Operational GPS Meteorology, 10-12 July, Oslo, Norway}, year = {2000}, pages = {1-4}, available = {reprint}, mailto = {kleijer@tudelft.nl} } @book{kleinbaltink99, key = {gps water vapor precipitable delay wvr radiometer}, author = {H {Klein Baltink} and H J P Derks and A C A P van Lammeren and B A C Ambrosius and A G A van der Hoeven and H van der 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institution = {Centre National d'{\'E}tudes Spatiales}, year = 1985, annote = {Internal memo No.\ 326}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet94, key = {insr ers1 earthq dem phase unwrapping}, author = {D Massonnet}, title = {Validation of {ERS-1} Interferometry at {CNES}}, booktitle = hamburg93, year = 1994, month = jan , pages = {703-709}, series = {ESA SP-361}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet94d, key = {insr}, author = {D Massonnet}, title = {Toward a Fully Characterized and Automated Interferometry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st {SAR} Interferometric Workshop, Tokio, Japan}, year = 1994 , pages = {7-18}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet96a, key = {insar}, author = {D Massonnet}, title = {Promise and limitations of spaceborne radar interferometry}, booktitle = {Journ\'ees Luxembougeoises de G\'eodynamique, March 11-13, 1996, Walferdange, Grand Duchy of Luxemburg}, organization = {European Network on Geodynamics}, year = {1996}, pages = {53-59}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet93c, key = {insr ers1 earthq}, author = {D Massonnet and F Adragna}, title = {A full-scale validation of Radar Interferometry with {ERS-1}: the Landers earthquake}, journal = EOQ, year = 1993, month = jul, volume = 41 , mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @misc{kianicka05, key = {insar defo }, author = {J\'an Kiani\vcka}, title = {Radar Interferometry used for detection of landslides and subsidences in the {Northern Bohemia} Brown Coal Basin}, year = 2005, pages = {44}, note = {A Thesis presented for the proposal to Doctor of Philosophy research}, available = {pdf} } @misc{massonnet90, key = {interf dem phaserr atmos}, author = {D Massonnet and F Perlant and Th Rabaute}, title = {Precision et Niveau d'Artefacts dans les Calculs de Modeles Numeriques de Terrain par Interferometry}, year = {1993}, pages = {511-523}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet95e, key = {sar insr iqual dem jers1 geoc}, author = {D Massonnet and B Rogron and M Rossi}, title = {{SAR} Image Quality and Interferometric Potential for Digital Terrain Model Derivation}, booktitle = {Final Report of {JERS-1/ERS-1} System Verification Program, Volume {II}}, organization = {National Space Development Agency of Japan}, year = 1995 , month = mar, pages = {627-638}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet96d, key = {insar general post-seismic}, author = {D Massonnet and W Thatcher and H Vadon}, title = {Detection of postseismic fault zone collapse following the {Landers} earthquake}, journal = {Nature}, year = {1996}, volume = {382}, pages = {489-497}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {-} } @inproceedings{massonnet93a, key = {mov insr ers1 intpro earthq height}, author = {Didier Massonnet}, title = {Displacement Fields Mapped by Radar Interferometry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the CRCM '93, Kobe, December 6--11, 1993}, year = 1993 , pages = {139-145}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @unpublished{massonnet94b, key = {insr ers1 dem mov grmod atmos}, author = {Didier Massonnet}, title = {Application of Radar Interferometry using {ERS-1}data}, year = 1994 , note = {Preprint}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet94c, key = {insr intpro}, author = {Didier Massonnet}, title = {Giving an Operational Status to {SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on ERS-1 Pilot Projects, Toledeo, Spain}, year = 1994 , pages = {379-382}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet96c, key = {insar general}, author = {Didier Massonnet}, title = {Tracking the {Earth's} surface at the centimetre level: an introduction to radar interferometry}, journal = {Nature \& Resources}, year = {1996}, volume = {32}, number = {4}, pages = {20-29}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet97, key = {insar dinsar}, author = {Didier Massonnet}, title = {Satellite Radar Interferometry}, journal = SA, year = {1997}, month = feb, pages = {32-39}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet94e, key = {processing}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Fr\'ed\'eric Adragna and Marc Rossi}, title = {{CNES} General-Purpose {SAR} Correlator}, journal = TGARS, year = {1994}, month = may, volume = {32}, number = {3}, pages = {636-643}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet98b, key = {defo accuracy missions}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Frederic Adragna}, title = {Probing the Ultimate Capability of Radar Interferometry for Deformation with Low Gradient: a new mission}, booktitle = igarss97, year = 1997 , pages = {1533-1535}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet95b, key = {insr ers1 volc}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Pierre Briole and Alain Arnaud}, title = {Deflation of {Mount Etna} monitored by spaceborne radar interferometry}, journal = {Nature}, year = 1995 , month = jun # {-15}, volume = 375, pages = {567-570}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet95a, key = {insr dem ers1 mov earthq atmos}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt L Feigl}, title = {Discrimination of geophysical phenomena in satellite radar interferograms}, journal = GRL, year = 1995 , volume = 22, number = 12, pages = {1537-1540}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet95c, key = {insr ers1 earthq}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt L Feigl}, title = {Satellite radar interferometric map of the coseismic deformation field of the {M = 6.1} {E}ureka {V}alley, {C}alifornia earthquake of {M}ay 17, 1993}, journal = GRL, year = 1995 , volume = 22, number = 12, pages = {1541-1544}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet98, key = {insar}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt L Feigl}, title = {Radar interferometry and its application to changes in the earth's surface}, journal = ROG, year = {1998}, month = nov, volume = {36}, number = {4}, pages = {441-500}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/massonnet98.pdf}, available = {reprint pdf} } @techreport{massonnet95d, key = {insr ers1 jrs1 earthq}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt L Feigl and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Vadon and Marc Rossi}, title = {Coseismic deformation field of the {M = 6.7} {N}orthridge, {C}alifornia earthquake of {J}anuary 17, 1994 recorded by two radar satellites using interferometry}, institution = {Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France}, year = 1995, note = {Preliminary version}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet96, key = {earthq ers1 jers1}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt L Feigl and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Vadon and Marc Rossi}, title = {Coseismic deformation field of the {M}=6.7 {N}orthridge, {California} earthquake of {January 17, 1994} recorded by two radar satellites using interferometry}, journal = GRL, year = 1996, month = may, volume = 23, number = 9, pages = {969-972}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet94a, key = {insr earthq ers1 post-seismic}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Kurt Feigl and Marc Rossi and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Adragna}, title = {Radar interferometric mapping of deformation in the year after the {L}anders earthquake}, journal = {Nature}, year = 1994 , month = may # {-19}, volume = 369, pages = {227-230}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet97b, key = {dem spot accuracy}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Alain Giros and Eric Breton}, title = {Forming digital elevation models from single pass {SPOT} data: results on a test site in the {Indian Ocean}}, booktitle = igarss97, year = 1997 , pages = {652-654}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet97a, key = {insar, land subsidence}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Thomas Holzer and H\'el\`ene Vadon}, title = {Land subsidence caused by the East Mesa geothermal field, California, observed using SAR interferometry}, journal = GRL, year = {1997}, month = apr, volume = {24}, number = {8}, pages = {901-904}, note = {Correction in GRL v.25,n.16,p.3213,1998}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{massonnet93b, key = {insr difsr dem mov}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Thierry Rabaute}, title = {Radar Interferometry: Limits and Potential}, booktitle = TGARS, year = 1993 , pages = {455-464}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @article{massonnet93, key = {insr earthq intpro ers1}, author = {Didier Massonnet and Marc Rossi and C{\'e}sar Carmona and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Adagna and Gilles Peltzer and Kurt Feigl and Thierry Rabaute}, title = {The displacement field of the {L}anders earthquake mapped by radar interferometry}, journal = {Nature}, year = 1993, month = jul # {-8}, volume = 364, number = 8, pages = {138-142}, mailto = {Didier.Massonnet@cst.cnes.fr}, available = {photocopy} } @inproceedings{marinkovic04, key = {insar ps corner defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Gini Ketelaar and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {A controled {Envisat/ERS} Permanent Scatterer experiment, implications of corner reflector monitoring}, booktitle = ceos04, year = 2004, pages = {submitted}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic04.pdf}, mailto = {marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, available = {orig pdf} } @inproceedings{marinkovic04a, key = {insar ps defo delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {Petar Marinkovic and Ramon Hanssen}, title = {Advanced {InSAR} coregistration using point clusters}, booktitle = igarss04, year = 2004, pages = {4}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/marinkovic04a.pdf}, mailto = {marinkovic@tudelft.nl}, available = {orig pdf} } @inproceedings{leijen06, key = {forward error model corner reflectors test insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {F J van Leijen and Z Perski and R F Hanssen}, title = {Error propagation and data quality assessment for {ASAR} persistent scatterer interferometry}, booktitle = eusar06, year = {2006}, pages = {6}, mailto = {f.j.vanleijen@tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen08, key = {defo dijken insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and F J van Leijen}, title = {Water Defense System Monitoring using {SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle = eusar08, year = {2008}, pages = {4}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{oreye08, key 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rfh_conf}, author = {A M Oyen and P Marinkovic and C Wauthier and N {d'Oreye} and R F Hanssen}, title = {A continental rifting event in {Tanzania} revealed by {Envisat} and {ALOS} {InSAR} observations}, booktitle = alos08, year = {2008}, pages = {8}, mailto = {r.f.hanssen@tudelft.nl}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/oyen08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{snoeij08, key = {defo dijken insar hb kwdz}, author = {Paul Snoeij and Evert Attema and Malcolm Davidson and Nicolas Floury and Guido Levrini and Betlem Rosich and Bj\"orn Rommen}, title = {{Sentinel-1}, the {GMES} Radar Mission}, booktitle = radar08, year = {2008}, pages = {5}, mailto = {paul.snoeij@esa.int}, notes = {invited paper}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/snoeij08.pdf}, available = {pdf} } @inproceedings{hanssen08d, key = {defo dijken insar delftsar rfh_confproc}, author = {R F Hanssen and F J van Leijen}, title = {Monitoring Water Defense Structures using radar Interferometry}, booktitle = 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author = {Martin Valk}, title = {TBD}, year = {2012}, month = {ongoing}, school = {Delft University of Technology}, advisor = {Christian Tiberius and Ramon Hanssen}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/.pdf}, available = {book} } @mastersthesis{heijligers12, key = {afstudeerder MGP delftsar rfh_adv}, author = {Matijs Heijligers}, title = {TBD}, year = {2012}, month = {ongoing}, school = {Delft University of Technology}, advisor = {Sandra Verhagen and Peter Teunissen}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/.pdf}, available = {book} } @mastersthesis{soni12, key = {afstudeerder MGP delftsar rfh_adv}, author = {Naresh Soni}, title = {TBD}, year = {2012}, month = {ongoing}, school = {Delft University of Technology}, advisor = {Andy Hooper and Ramon Hanssen}, url = {http://doris.tudelft.nl/Literature/.pdf}, available = {book} } @mastersthesis{vazifehdoust12, key = {afstudeerder MGP delftsar rfh_adv}, author = {Amirpasha Vazifehdoust}, title = {TBD}, year = {2012}, month = 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1994}, available = {fvl} } @InProceedings{hanssen08b, key = {insar delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R F Hanssen}, title = {Satellite radar interferometry: state of the art and future directions}, year = {2008}, booktitle = {Invited talk: Workshop on PALSAR interferometry, Kyoto, 15-16 Jan 2008}, available = {} } @InProceedings{hanssen07g, key = {insar delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {R F Hanssen}, title = {Remote Sensing and Archeology: potential and limitations; the Iron Track case study}, year = {2007}, booktitle = {Invited presentation Yarmouk University, Yarmouk, Jordan, 12 Apr 2007}, available = {} } @InProceedings{marinkovic08a, key = {insar delftsar rfh_misc}, author = {P Marinkovic and R F Hanssen}, title = {Validation and quality control for InSAR using trihedral radar reflectors}, year = {2008}, booktitle = {Invited talk: Workshop on PALSAR interferometry, Kyoto, 15-16 Jan 2008}, available = {} } @Article{dixon00, key = {tectonics california gps}, author = {T H Dixon and F Farina 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