This file "INSTALL" describes the installation of the "Doris" Delft radar interferometric software package. Doris has been installed on virtually all operating systems world-wide (mainly UNIX like, for MS Windows(c) your best option is using Cygwin.) If the following does not work for you, please first search the FAQ via Installation should take approximately 10 minutes of your time. There are 3 components in this distribution (doris v4.01). 1. src and bin subdirectory: main software (C++ source code, python and shell scripts); 2. ENVISAT_TOOLS subdir: standalone reader for ENVISAT (C source code); 3. SARtools subdir: standalone utilities (C++ source code). To install Doris, basically do the following: -------------------------------------------- 1. Read the manual. -------------------------------------------- - OPTIONAL: installation of FFTW library --- - tested for Cygwin, SUN Solaris, Linux ---- -------------------------------------------- 11. download fftw-3.2.1 from : wget -c 12 gunzip and tar xvf it in subdirectory of doris root installation. 13. cd fftw-3.2.1 14. ./configure --prefix=`pwd` --enable-float 15. make 16. make install -------------------------------------------- - COMPILATION OF DORIS SOURCE CODE --------- -------------------------------------------- 21. cd doris/src 22. Read the README file 23. ./configure (creates "Makefile") # requires tcsh shell to run, to install type "sudo apt-get install tcsh" at shell prompt on Ubuntu platform. ( +answer the questions about libraries, etc.) 24. make (compiles the software) 25. make install (installs doris and bin scripts) -------------------------------------------- - COMPILATION OF DORIS UTILITIES ----------- -------------------------------------------- 31. cd doris/SARtools 32. make 32. Review/edit the Makefile if this does not work (for example if you do not want to use GNU gcc/g++ as compiler) 33. make install (installs in /usr/local/bin unless you edit the Makefile) 41. cd doris/ENVISAT_TOOLS # on 64-bit system requires libc-dev-i386 library ex: "sudo apt-get install libc-dev-i386" 42. make 42. Review/edit the Makefile if this does not work (for example if you do not want to use gcc as compiler) 44. make install -------------------------------------------- - INSTALLATION OF USEFUL EXTERNAL SOFTWARE - -------------------------------------------- 51. The doris software depends for full functionality on: 52. getorb: precise orbits for ERS/ENVISAT # requires fortran(ff7, g77 or gfortran) ex: "sudo apt-get install gfortran" and edit Makefile and update FC = gfortran (used by Doris step M_PORBITS and S_PORBITS). 53. snaphu: standalone executable used for unwrapping (used by Doris step UNWRAP). 54. GMT: plotting of coregistration offset vectors (used by Doris via the scripts in bin dir). These programs should also be installed on your system. Refer to the download area of the doris website where to obtain these programs. Enjoy, TUDELFT, MGP Radar Group 2009