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Example General Input Cards

 c *****************************************************************
 c *  Doris \inputfile generated by: run at: Nov 27, 2000 (Monday) *
 c *****************************************************************
 c *
 c *  Filename:        Inputfiles/input.s_initial
 c *  Author:          Doris User
 c *  Master:          23185
 c *  Slave :          03512
 c *  Baseline:        170 m
 c *  Remarks:         Test: s2h routine (exact)
 c *
 c *****************************************************************
  comment  ___general options___
 SCREEN          debug                           // level of output to standard out
 MEMORY          150                             // MB
 OVERWRITE                                       // overwrite existing files
 BATCH                                           // non-interactive
  c LISTINPUT OFF                                // prevents copy of this file to log
 PROCESS          m_readfiles                    // read parameters
 PROCESS          m_porbits                      // obtain precise orbits
 PROCESS          m_crop                         // crop data to internal format
  c                                              //
  c                                              //
  comment  ___the general io files___            //
  c                                              //
 LOGFILE         log.out                         // log file
 M_RESFILE       master.out                      // parameter file
 S_RESFILE       slave.out                       // parameter file
 I_RESFILE       interferogram.out               // parameter file
  c                                              //

 ... more cards specific to step specified by (ONLY)PROCESS cards,
 ... see next chapters for details on these cards.


Note that "//" is not a delimiter for comments, text after the last expected parameter is simply ignored.

Leijen 2009-04-14