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Output Description

The process control flag is switched at successful exit:

 slant2height:           1

An example of the output in the products result file:

 Method: 			        schwabisch
 Data_output_file:                       Outdata/hei.schwabisch
 Data_output_format:                     real4
 First_line (w.r.t. original_master):    1001
 Last_line (w.r.t. original_master):     2105
 First_pixel (w.r.t. original_master):   501
 Last_pixel (w.r.t. original_master):    700
 Multilookfactor_azimuth_direction:      10
 Multilookfactor_range_direction:        2
 Ellipsoid (name,a,b):                   WGS84 6.37814e+06 6.35675e+06
 * End_slant2h:_NORMAL

In the output files the height is stored. (number of lines etc. multilooked unwrapped interferogram.) etc.

Leijen 2009-04-14