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Installation of the Doris core

After downloading the gzipped, tarred archive of the Doris software v4.01the installation is best done with a Makefile. I assume you are familiar with 'make' to compile code. If you are not, find someone who is.

  1. Create a directory for Doris, e.g., mkdir /opt/doris_v4.01
    cd /opt/Doris_v4.01
  2. Download the archived Doris software via the download area of our webpages at doris_v4.01.tar.gz
  3. Expand compressed files: gzip -d doris_v4.01.tar.gz
    This leaves a file doris_v4.01.tar
  4. Extract the files from the archive:
    tar -xvf doris_v4.01.tar
    Now sub directories are created, bin, src, SARtools, ENVISAT_TOOLS. The doris source files are in src and bin. The other two are utilities that need to be compiled separately.

Now we are ready to compile Doris. cd to the src directory, and read the README file for the latest information.

  1. Create a Makefile by running the script: configure
    in the src directory. ("csh configure" or "chmod 755 configure" if it is not executable.) This should limit the editing in the Makefile. Follow the directions on the screen.
  2. Compile Doris and install the executables:
    - (in directory Source_new; inspect/edit the Makefile)
    - make (this compiles the code)
    - make test (this should give the version number of Doris)
    - make install (uses /usr/local/bin/ by default. Also the bin utilities are installed.)
  3. Make sure the Installation directory is in your path. For (t)csh users, it should be in your .(t)cshrc file (startup file). Add it with a (csh) command like:

    set path = ( /usr/local/bin $path )

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Leijen 2009-04-14