With this utility postscript files from complex data (and binary float data) can be generated, such as the output of Doris and SLC files.
Various input formats are supported. Options are multilooking, mirroring, plotting the phase, magnitude, real, and imag part, etc. It has become pretty big.
It calls/requires cpxfiddle (see C.2.3), and GMT subprograms: grd2cpt, grdimage, psscale.
cpx2ps v2.1, FMR software, Bert Kampes, (c)1999-2000 PROGRAM: cpx2ps -- produce various encapsulated postscript code from complex data files. SYNOPSIS: cpx2ps -w width [-f format==cr4] [-q out==mag] [-e exp==1.0] [-s sc==1.0] [-l 1] [-L alllines] [-p 1] [-P width] [-M1/1 | -F1/1] [-T title] [-c cptname==gray] [-z size==16] [-o epsfile] [-G grdfile] [-C cptfile] [-gKSUVZ] [-h elp] [--] cpxfile [...]
For more info, type: cpx2ps -h more