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Output Description

The process control flag at the start of the master result file is switched to 1 at successful exit.
m_timing:              1

Example of output of this step (master result file).

Correlation method                      :       magspace (321,193)
Number of correlation windows used      :       10 of 10
Estimated translation master w.r.t. synthetic amplitude (master-dem):
  Positive offsetL: master image is to the bottom
  Positive offsetP: master image is to the right
Coarse_correlation_translation_lines    :       -1
Coarse_correlation_translation_pixels   :       5
Master_azimuth_timing_error             :       0.000595265 sec.
Master_range_timing_error               :       -1.31839e-07 sec.
* End_master_timing:_NORMAL

In the logfile some additional information is written such as estimated offset and correlation for each window position. Estimated offsets equal to NaN are ignored during analysis.

Leijen 2009-04-14