With a command like:
awk 'BEGIN{for (i=100;i<25200;i=i+500) \ {for (j=750;j<5400;j=j+200) \ {printf "%i %i \n",i,j}} exit}'
the file for FC_IN_POS can be easily generated for a grid of locations.
Example input cards for this step:
c c comment ___FINE COREGISTRATION___ c FC_METHOD oversample // c FC_METHOD magfft // c FC_METHOD magspace // FC_NWIN 101 // number of windows FC_WINSIZE 64 64 // size of windows FC_ACC 8 8 // search window, 2^n FC_INITOFF coarsecorr // use result of coarse to compute first FC_OSFACTOR 32 // oversampling factor