This script can generate template input files and directories, and therefor generally speeds up the processing. If it is installed in a Bin directory (in your path), it can be run from several project directories for uniform processing. It uses the environment variables EDITOR and PAGER if set.
The basic idea is to start with
run -g
to generate the input, and then to to edit (default with editor vi or EDITOR) the first input file.
run -e1
After you saved the file (located in directory Inputfiles), type:
run -s1
to process (call to doris software) the first input file. The output that goes to stdout can be viewed with
run -v1
(It is redirected to a file in directoy Outinfo). To view the result files that are created by Doris, use
run -r1 (master); run -r2 (slave); run -r3 (products); run -r4 (logfile)
This should be repeated for other steps. Of course this run file is only a helping hand, not the solution to all your problems. Be careful! Template values aren't always the best settings. Feel free to improve it.
Usage: run -s/-e/-v step [-f \inputfile -r file-id -d] /-g [-M master -S slave -B baseline -R remark -A author] /-h
For more help type run -h.