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Installation of SARtools

After downloading the gzipped, tarred archive of the SARtools, the installation is best done with a Makefile. I assume you are familiar with 'make' to compile code. If you are not, find someone who is. (See also annex B).

  1. Use a distinct directory to put the files, e.g.,
    mkdir /opt/doris_v4.01
    cd /opt/Doris_v4.01
  2. Download the archived SARtools via the download area of our webpages at SARtools.tar.gz
  3. Expand compresed files: gzip -d SARtools.tar.gz
    This leaves a file SARtools.tar
  4. Extract the files from the archive:
    tar -xvf SARtools.tar
    Now a subdirectory has been created, SARtools.

Now the compilation of the utilities can start.

  1. Compile all utilities and install the executables:
    - cd SARtools (inspect/edit the Makefile, set INSTALLDIR)
    - make (this should compile the code)
    - make install (this installs in /usr/local/bin/)
  2. Make sure the Installation directory is in your path. For tcsh users, it should be in your .cshrc file (startup file). Add it with a (csh) command like:
    set path = ( /usr/local/bin/ $path )

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Leijen 2009-04-14