Constants used in the processing can be found in the source files constants.h and refsystems.h. The main parameters in constants.h are:
const real8 SOL = 299792458.; // speed of light in m/s const real8 EPS = 1e-13; // small number const int32 NaN = -999; // Not a Number const real8 PI = 4.*atan(1.);The main parameters in refsystems.h are (actually only WGS is used for now):
const real8 WGS84_A=6378137.0; // semimajor axis wgs84 const real8 WGS84_B=6356752.3; // semiminor axis wgs84 const real8 GRS80_A=6378137.0; // semimajor axis grs80 const real8 GRS80_B=6356752.3; // semiminor axis grs80 const real8 BESSEL_A=6377397.155; // semimajor axis bessel const real8 BESSEL_B=6356078.963; // semiminor axis bessel const real8 RADIUS=.5*(WGS84_A+WGS84_B); // for sphere pol2car