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Matrix class functions

The functions in the matrix class are obtained by:

 ~/.bin/ctags --c-types=f -x matrixbk.* | cut -c1-12,50-600

allocate        void matrix<Type>::allocate(uint numlines, uint numpixels) // allocator
checkindex      void matrix<Type>::checkindex(uint line, uint pixel) const
clean           void matrix<Type>::clean() // sets 2 zero
conj            void matrix<Type>::conj()
conj            matrix<Type> conj (const matrix<Type> &A)
correlate       matrix<real4> correlate (const matrix<Type> &A, matrix<Type> Mask)
diagxmat        matrix<Type> diagxmat (const matrix<Type> &diag, const matrix<Type> &B)
dotdiv          matrix<Type> dotdiv (const matrix<Type> &A, const matrix<Type> &B)
dotmult         matrix<Type> dotmult (const matrix<Type> &A, const matrix<Type> &B)
dumpasc         void dumpasc(const char *file, const matrix<Type>& A)
fftshift        friend void fftshift (matrix<Type> &A)
fliplr          void matrix<Type>::fliplr()
flipud          void matrix<Type>::flipud()
getcolumn       matrix<Type> matrix<Type>::getcolumn(uint pixel) const
getdata         matrix<Type> matrix<Type>::getdata(window win) const
getrow          matrix<Type> matrix<Type>::getrow(uint line) const
ifftshift       friend void ifftshift (matrix<Type> &A)
initialize      void matrix<Type>::initialize(uint numlines, uint numpixels)
isvector        bool matrix<Type>::isvector() const
lines           uint matrix<Type>::lines() const // return number of lines
matTxmat        matrix<Type> matTxmat(const matrix<Type> &A, const matrix<Type> &B)
matrix          matrix<Type>::matrix() // constructor (0 arg)
matrix          matrix<Type>::matrix(uint lines, uint pixels)
matrix          matrix<Type>::matrix(const matrix<Type>& A)
matrix          matrix<Type>::matrix (window win, const matrix<Type>& A)
matxmatT        matrix<Type> matxmatT(const matrix<Type> &A, const matrix<Type> &B)
max             Type max(const matrix<Type> &A)
max             Type max(const matrix<Type> &A, uint& line, uint& pixel)
mean            real8 mean (const matrix<Type> &A)
min             Type min(const matrix<Type> &A)
min             Type min(const matrix<Type> &A, uint& line, uint& pixel)
multilook       matrix<Type> multilook (const matrix<Type> &A, uint factorL, uint factorP)
mypow           void matrix<Type>::mypow(Type s)
myswap          friend void myswap (matrix<Type> &A, matrix<Type> &B)
operator !=     bool matrix<Type>::operator != (Type scalar) const
operator !=     bool matrix<Type>::operator != (const matrix<Type> &A) const
operator *      matrix<Type> operator * (const matrix<Type>& A, const matrix<Type>& B)
operator *      matrix<Type> operator * (const matrix<Type>& A, Type scalar)
operator *      matrix<Type> operator * (Type scalar, const matrix<Type> &A)
operator *=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator *= (Type scalar)
operator *=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator *= (const matrix<Type> &A)
operator +      matrix<Type> operator + (const matrix<Type>& A, const matrix<Type>& B)
operator +      matrix<Type> operator + (const matrix<Type>& A, Type scalar)
operator +=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator += (const matrix<Type>& A)
operator +=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator += (Type scalar)
operator -      matrix<Type> operator - (const matrix<Type>& A, const matrix<Type>& B)
operator -      matrix<Type> operator - (const matrix<Type>& A, Type scalar)
operator -      matrix<Type> operator - (const matrix<Type>& A)
operator -=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator -= (const matrix<Type>& A)
operator -=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator -= (Type scalar)
operator /      matrix<Type> operator / (const matrix<Type>& A, Type scalar)
operator /      matrix<Type> operator / (const matrix<Type>& A, const matrix<Type>& B)
operator /=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator /= (Type scalar)
operator /=     matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator /= (const matrix<Type> &A)
operator <<     friend ostream& operator << (ostream& file, const matrix<Type>& A)
operator =      matrix<Type>& matrix<Type>::operator = (const matrix<Type>& A)
operator ==     bool matrix<Type>::operator == (Type scalar) const
operator ==     bool matrix<Type>::operator == (const matrix<Type> &A) const
operator >>     friend istream& operator >> (istream& file, matrix<Type>& A)
operator [      Type* matrix<Type>::operator [] (uint line) const
operator()      Type& matrix<Type>::operator () (uint line, uint pixel) const
operator()      matrix<Type> matrix<Type>::operator () (window win) const
operator()      matrix<Type> matrix<Type>::operator () (uint l0,uint lN,uint p0,uint pN) const
pixels          uint matrix<Type>::pixels() const // return number of pixels
readfile        friend void readfile(matrix<Type> &Result, const char *file,
resize          void matrix<Type>::resize(uint l1, uint p1)
setcolumn       void matrix<Type>::setcolumn(uint pixel, const matrix<Type> &COLUMN)
setcolumn       void matrix<Type>::setcolumn(uint pixel, Type scalar)
setdata         void matrix<Type>::setdata(Type w) // sets 2 w
setdata         void matrix<Type>::setdata(uint l1, uint p1, const matrix<Type>& A)
setdata         void matrix<Type>::setdata(window winin, const matrix<Type> &A, window winA)
setdata         void matrix<Type>::setdata(const matrix<Type> &A, window winA)
setrow          void matrix<Type>::setrow(uint line, const matrix<Type> &LINE)
setrow          void matrix<Type>::setrow(uint line, Type scalar)
showdata        void matrix<Type>::showdata() const // show all data in matrix
size            uint matrix<Type>::size() const // return nsize
sqr             matrix<Type> sqr (const matrix<Type> &A)
sqrt            friend matrix<Type> sqrt (const matrix<Type> &A)
sum             matrix<Type> sum (const matrix<Type> &A, int32 dim)
writefile       friend void writefile (
wshift          friend void wshift (matrix<Type> &A, int32 n)
~matrix         matrix<Type>::~matrix()

Leijen 2009-04-14