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In this annex the installation of Doris is described. To properly compile the Doris software, you might have to edit the Makefile. Set the compiler (CC), compiler flags (CFLAGS), library path (LFLAGS), and defines (comment DEF4 and DEF5 for VECLIB/LAPACK library usage). Use DEF7 (__X86PROCESSOR__) if you have a little endian machine.

We have written a simple script "configure" to help generate a user defined Makefile, which is present in the Doris distribution, as well as a template Makefile that can be edited to your likings if the script fails.

We recommend compiling 2 versions of the Doris software. An optimal version for operational processing, and a more verbose debug version that is only to be used if the optimal version exits with an unexplained error. (Then repeat processing with debug version, track down routine, etc.)

Compilation of these two versions is best done by running "make" two times, first with CFLAGS = CFLAGSOPT, then (after make clean) with CFLAGS = CFLAGSDEBUG. This is clearly described in the Makefile and in the Makefile generator.

We have successfully compiled Doris with GNU g++ 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, Sun compilers, Intel compilers and so on.

If you have problems installing Doris, you can sent your questions to the email list of doris users. To join this list, follow the directions at our internet site ( Please don't forget to specify platform, compiler, versions etc.

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Leijen 2009-04-14