Moreover, if your SLC data are not in one of these known formats, (e.g., you focussed it yourself with your own SAR processor, such as ROI_PAC or GAMMA)
Doris can in general be used for the interferometric processing when the required parameters are passed to the SLC result (metainfo) files.
Doris has been compiled on virtually all
operating systems including HP (first developed on HP), SUN, Linux (all flavors, currently maintained), MS windows (running Cygwin),
using a variety of compilers, such as aCC, g++, and icpc etc.
For more information on the design of Doris,
and installation, please refer to the manual.
Though the use of Doris is free,
we encourage you to state that you are using it.
You can do this by citing in your publications either:
Necessary downloads to obtain a full version of the Doris software are:
Latest release: 2017-06-05
Development code: 2017-06-05
INSTALL ------ INSTALL txt file, see also README file
doris_v4.06beta2.tar.gz 2012-12-18 23:31 (README) Doris v4.06 source code + tools source code
doris_v4.04beta4.tar.gz 2011-03-10 14:04 (README) Doris v4.04 source code + tools source code
ENVISAT_TOOLS_v2.3.tar.gz 2013-11-04 20:04 (README) Doris v2.3 ENVISAT TOOLS
INSTALL ------ INSTALL txt file, see also README file
doris_v4.02.tar.gz 2009-06-17 07:04 (contents) Doris v4.02 source code + tools source code
doris_v4.02.pdf 2009-06-15 16:30 (html version) User manual changelog
doris_v3.16.pdf 2012-03-13 13:10 ( User Manual in Chinese )
DEOS_ERS/1-2_orbit scripts 2010-09-01 16:67 A set of csh scripts to reorganize recomputed ERS/1-2 orbits by P. Visser, so that getorb calls succeed. see README.txt in the tarball and Links section of Doris website.
dorvor_to_odr.m 2008-12-08 13:45 (howto) Matlab script to create Getorb ODR.* files from CNES DORVOR files. 2009-06-05 11:35 Trick Doris to use external DEM (STRM) to estimate geocoding parameters.
vim_colorsyntax.tar.gz 2010-03-22 14:35 Hilight Doris input cards using vim. Send your contribution as well for other editors.
Doris 4.02 cygwin local miror 2009-09-28 18:00 Doris 4.02 cygwin version for MS Windows environment compiled by Dr. Y.S. Rao. It also includes extra tools in bin directory for visualization.
Doris 4.02 TSX calibration patch 2010-05-27 18:00 Readme.txt TSX calibration using Doris, modifications done by by Jason Fritz (jpfritz[AT], please contact the author for changes.
insarmatlab.tar.gz 2005-08-24 18:00 (contents) InSAR toolbox v1.1
insardemosmatlab.tar.gz 2005-08-24 18:00 (contents) InSAR demos v1.0
insarfractal.tar.gz 2005-08-24 18:00 (contents) fractals for InSAR v1.0
SNAPHU 03-Nov-2002 SNAPHU unwrapper with statistical costs
getorb 25-Nov-2008 DEOS precise orbits
getorbdemo 20-Jun-2000 getorb online utility
FWTools (openev) 08-Feb-2010 FWTools (openev + gdal tools): Open Source GIS Binary Kit for Windows and Linux
GDAL tools 08-Feb-2010 GDAL library and tools.
GMT 01-Sep-1999 Generic Mapping Tools (gridding/interpolation)
gv 01-Sep-1999 Postscript interpreter
PROJ.4 24-Dec-2008 PROJ cartographic projection filters
GRASS 16-Sep-2003 Free GIS (reads in GMT output)
Cygwin 16-Sep-2003 Free Linux like shell for Windows.
SCRIPPS 21-Jun-2000 cd pub/ and browse
X Cygwin 14-Jul-2004 Cygwin with X server.
Xming 08-Feb-2010 Xming X Server for Windows (free)
SRTM DEMs 16-Sep-2003 NASA High accuracy global DEM for topographic phase correction.
GTOPO30 DEMs 24-Dec-2008 USGS global low resolution (about 1 kilometer/half a mile horizontal)
GLOBE DEMs 24-Dec-2008 NOAA global low resolution land DEM (about 1 kilometer/half a mile horizontal)
FFTW is adviced (easy to install)FFTW 16-Sep-2003 Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (get v3.0.1 or higher; recommended) LAPACK is adviced to use if you have it (you may consider installing it)
Lapack 21-Oct-1999 linear algebra package (Doris may be able to use the C version, not required really) Veclib/sunperflib: 14-July-2004 (commercial libs) no link available...
Exuberant-ctags 01-Sep-1999 ctags code developer utility
Latex2html 14-July-2004 Convert user's manual and tech docs to html
This page is maintained by TUDelft - MGP Radar Group, mail to: |
Disclaimer: These pages contain links to sites outside DUT. We do not take responsibility for the contents of those sites. |